From Jeff Pilson's interview You got to record and tour with two of the most well-known and influential guitarists of the hair-band era in George Lynch and Reb Beach. Can you tell us about working with them and what each of them brought to the band in the studio and on stage? George is a very soulful, brilliant player who is totally driven by passion. He tends to be very inconsistent, but when he's on- he is ON!! It's like there's a switch- the "Good George" button, and it's obvious , to me, when it's been pushed! He also tends to take a long time to get a sound in the studio, and to settle in and play in the pocket. But when he does- he flows and is extremely creative. Reb is kind of the opposite- although he too is very soulful in his own way. Reb is pretty much always "on"- but he's self-critical to the point of killing his own vibe! He needs someone to coach him and tell him when the vibe is on fire- which he gets to relatively easily. He is immensely talented [both are for that matter], and has great instincts. He can be well-thought out and still have some fire. And he too gets to a flowing point, almost like a trance, where his magic comes from. George is not as good when he's thinking too much, especially when he's second-guessing himself. 詳細的對話在下面連結..
Jemzax兄 你去哪個網站抓BadLand他的第一張專輯?我只有錄音帶,買不到CD,也讓我去抓抓吧! RR是去旅行演唱的途中,經過司機他家,司機要大家輪流坐他的小飛機玩,有懼高症的RR也被拱上去坐,最後飛機撞到房子就掛了,那時他並未要離團 RR本來就是學古典的,五歲就開始彈古典吉他,曾經有個小女孩很喜歡他,但他理都不理人,只愛彈吉他。這一段,SLASH也經歷過,這些名家果然跟我不一樣,如果是我早就把吉他丟一旁,把妹妹去了 RR很好學,旅行演唱時不管到哪裡,只要聽到當地有不錯的吉他手,不管彈得有沒有比他好,他都要去跟人家學兩招,這一點也是跟我不一樣 ZAKK真的很厲害,只是我覺得他彈的東西一味地剛猛,很像PAUL GILBERT一樣,聽起來呆呆的,不像RR、JACK、LYNCH那麼有味道和特色,不過有一張合集裡,聽到ZAKK彈鄉村,真是把我嚇死了,超屌的 BADLAND很有早期藍調搖滾味,只要多聽你一定會喜歡
Rock99, 其實我不知BadLands出幾張喔..待會利用Google找看看.. 我是用AudioGalexy這軟體抓的..很不幸的..這網站也被告,所以也倒了..小弟我只抓了約35首他們的歌.. 剛剛聽了幾首..呵呵..馬上就覺得很熟悉與喜愛..吉他真是不錯,超級80的精隨..呼呼... Zakk有一張好像是叫啥"Book&Shadow"的solo專輯,裡面的東西當時滿令我驚訝的,很有深度..但搞丟了..唉.. 看他的造型也知他是"剛猛"派的..^^ PG自離開Mr.Big後,就一直沒機會接觸到他的新音樂,不過...他在RacerX的表現不賴..呆呆的手法啊..是也會這樣覺得啦..音階上下行很快..但是還是很厲害..我還是獨鍾他在Mr.Big第一,二張的表現..Bump Ahead..應該也很棒,但是沒買..所以不知... BadLands也有許多Funky的表現..很棒..不過,總覺得80的唱腔都差不多..小弟我是很少聽歌詞的人啦..呵呵..
Rock99, 剛剛找了一下BadLands的專輯,喔..1999還有出呢.. 第一張唱的很像RobertPlant喔..呵呵.. 我把歌名與專輯做了整理,只少了第二張的第一首(>_<),其他都齊了..你想要的話..我們想個辦法..我上傳到網上囉..或用ICQ之類的傳... 對了,你喜歡Danger Danger嗎?? 他們產量就滿多的.. Andy Timmons也是我挺喜歡的吉他手囉...
MIKE TRAMP ROARS BACK ACROSS AUSTRALIA CELEBRATING WHITE LION: Rock fans in Melbourne and Sydney are invited to Mike Tramp - An Evening of White Lion this March. For the first time ever in Australia, Mike Tramp, lead vocalist and co writer/founder of the New York band, White Lion will be performing a full show of hits and album favourites. White Lion never toured Australia in their 7 year history and this will be the very first time that these songs have been performed on our soil. "I'm so excited about playing these songs that the fans hold so dear to them. When I toured Australia for the first time half way through 2002, I realised that as much as they enjoyed my solo songs, there was a history that we had to address between us and this is that opportunity. This is definitely a once off," said Mike. Mike has assembled a star band to perform the songs and these shows are a precursor to a full month long stadium tour of Indonesia where Mike also toured in 2002 to sell out clubs and theatres. The all-Australian band features Jamie Law on guitar (Zep Boys), Stephen Crafter on drums (Stand, Zep Boys) and Matt McAuliffe on bass (Stand, Dynissty). 嗚嗚..澳洲還是有一點好的地方..雖然看不到Vai,Joe.. 但是沒看到Vito真是遺憾..
....zakk....說實在ㄉ 我絕ㄉ他彈東西 有點侷限ㄉ感覺 使用ㄉ也幾乎是一些5聲音階 和些country手法 不過編起曲來還是有他自己ㄉ一套在 zakkㄉ指力真ㄉ是超強ㄉ... paul GILBERT是屬於比較新新ㄉ吉他手~ 東西也比較多樣話 不過感覺起很格式化~ 與STEVE VAI 等人 比較不太一樣 運用叫多ㄉ基本功 +上他ㄉ超大手 彈出來自然就比較 乾淨又誇張 JEM ZAX 你也喜歡 ANDY ㄚ TIMMONS 真ㄉ是FEELING與編曲是一流ㄉ 感覺超棒ㄉ 很神奇 而且用ㄌ很多ㄉ轉掉 真ㄉ是非常讚 很讚~ LYNCH 先生 ㄉ東西真ㄉ是超棒ㄉ 他ㄉSOLO真ㄉ是非常ㄉ好聽 我超喜歡他ㄉ泛音ㄉ 非常有張力~ 稕度真ㄉ是眉話說 而且他ㄉSOLO用ㄉ音 真ㄉ是非常ㄉ帥 讓人感覺很爽~
Rich % %, Zakk的手法的確都是在五聲音階,不過..他所跑的那些"循環"音,都很有味道..雖是狂飆,但聽的爽的大有人在..^^ PaulGilbert, "學院派"的好像較重視音階,注意聽他演唱會的solo,會發現他只是一昧的飆度,PullOff,Picking,FingerSkip..都是他著重的技巧.. 小弟我覺得他強的地方是能把每個Picking音之間的空隙弄到一模一樣..揪揪揪的Picking聲也是絕活... 以上對PG的了解只到1992或1993年時期,之後就很少聽他的東東,不過他在Japan可是非常紅..現在好像是日本MI的校長嚕...日本MI被ESP買下...呵呵... 至於Andy啊,也是從一堆網上抓下的Danger Danger與solo專輯對他有所認識,但是沒像對Lynch那麼的多..他也是慢的有味道,要飆也是很爽那型..感覺他也是彈藍調出身..像SkidRow那兩枚也是..很多80的吉它手都是..
M42U/3, 喔..換名字啦..^^ PaulGilbert的琴Bridge不是都是Norton嗎?? 揪揪揪的Picking聲喔...Gain與Treble調高不就行了嗎?? ^^ TONE ZONE很好啊,Ibanez高級琴都是配這顆..不過我沒試過..Neck我覺得Vai的Evo不錯..呼嚕呼嚕的..呵呵.. Lynch很少揪揪揪喔..是有啦..但是他很少Pick每一個音,所以我是不知.. Yngwie的Bridge也是揪揪揪叫... 80的音樂啊,當時的效果器沒現在這般科技,應該是音箱破音的貢獻較大吧(錯請指正).. 至於Lynch的泛音..用了SD的Screamin' Demon就可以有這種效果啦..因為當初的設計就是要凸現它的高頻..這顆PcikUp的Tone Shape是很 V 字型,Mid Range很少..底音也不差..但是一般Ibanez搖滾琴都是配DiMarzio,可能是因為Basewood的緣故..我對這方面懂很少,哪位大哥麻煩解釋囉..搭配SD是好是壞,看你的喜好吧..要有Lynch Tone..一定要有[]SCREAMIN' DEMON[]啦!!!!! ^_^ Lynch用很多配備,而且一直換..苦了我們這些Fans們.. SH-12 評語.. Screams like a banshee or purrs like a kitten. Push it for a tone rich in harmonics and sustain; or back off for a fat, sassy, clean sound.
PAUL GILBERT ㄉ揪揪聲ㄚ...哈哈 說真ㄉ我很喜歡那種顆粒感 音該說是跟PAF這顆拾音器跟IBANEZ撘ㄉ關西還有他ㄉTONEㄉ調校 他用PAF這顆也好一陣子ㄌ 跟LYNCHㄉ東西音色極為不同 比較沒有濃厚ㄉDELAY比重 我原本那隻IBANEZ撘本來ㄉQM1 也會有這種揪揪ㄉPICKING聲 (爽!) 不過 畢竟還是不夠玩 聲音不夠乾淨 會鬍掉 所以把他換成AIR NORTONㄌ (還是比較喜歡圓圓乾淨低) 不過 後面還是用 TONE ZONE .....唉 眉錢玩好點ㄉ琴@@ 要揪揪聲ㄉ話 跟LYNCH一樣用ESPㄉ琴 撘 SEYMOUR DUNCAN 更讚 顆粒更棒 更適合玩 ~ 不過...還是有很多不懂ㄉ... 可不可以問一下 像80年代ㄉ曲風 是不是都有用點娃娃 才能讓他ㄉ泛音及效果 更帶有強大ㄉ張力 像LYNCHㄉ效果器是怎樣去調校ㄉㄋ? 謝謝!@
Hi Folks !! Just received a message,,,,a birthday gift for me is on the delivery.......which is a Mint old-stock of ESP GL-56..!!....hehehe !! JEM.ZAX Tell me more about the "ESP GL-56",would you ?? I had been told there were only 100 has being made ?? I only know my GL-56 will come with a "ugly" finished,,,,oh !! also with a signature of George !!,,,,,what a extra !!
Copied from internet: ESP USA Custom shop George lynch sigature model GL-56 / replica of a 1956 Fender and a relic finish that looks like the guitar was played & well loved every night since 1956. let me point the accuracy of the faux finish. there are chips, dings, dents, scratches and brush ware marks exactly where they should be! the fret board has finger wear exactly where it should be, they even put cigarette burns on the head stock were it should be, amazing! Now lets get down to the feaures that make it a finely hand crafted instrument and how it sound and plays, the body is made of resonate basswood so is it is lighter and easier on the back w/o sacrificing tone. locking spretzel tuners, a six saddel vintage style bridge and tremelo. Seymore Duncan stacked classic, maple skunk stripe neck and maple fret board,. the neck is a little thicker C shape than most strats I've played and truly plays like butter. the stacked classic pick up are very hot pick up"s and are noiselss but keep all the strat character but no hiss. I understand there were only 56 of these made. 據我最近從GL forum得知,好像真的只有56把喔.. 呀呀呀..會長好...
Features: I was told that ESP and George decided to only produce 56 of these beauties! That is unforntunate for those who will miss out on one amazing axe. It was modeled after a 1956 Fender Stratocaster and RELICED beyond belief! None of that panty waste brillo pad roughing that the Fender relics have, THIS BAD BOY WAS BEAT!~ All kinds of dents and bare spots...EVEN SOME BURNS! Although it is modeled after a Fender Strat there are some differences. The GL 56 features 3 Seymour Duncun singles and a five way. Also a modern two point trem. The neck is like a Fat Clapton shape. Difficult to describe but cozy! Sound: This is a perfect all around guitar. A twist of the volume knob can take you from the 1950's to the new millenium.
JEM.ZAX 別這樣說啦!!,,,,,,我對Lynch 的瞭解差你太多了!!!我連"alone again" 都彈不起來呢!!,,, 而且我可能要到April 以後才摸得到"她",,,,,, 你轉載的這把還在ebay拍賣啊!!還剩一天吧!!??,,,,,我的不是這把,,,這把沒有"簽名背板",,,...hehe!!
Mr72會長, AlongAgain的solo在Dokken的專輯還算是難的呢.. 小弟覺得較容易上手的是In My Dreams,Breaking The Chains和Into The Fire吧..我自己也是很爛的,沒半首彈的起.. 爲啥會多付贈GL的簽名啊? 特地拿去他家?? 呼呼..^^ 我也很喜歡這把在One Live Night的表現,真的很"Strat"... 這把外觀醜是正常的啊,這56把的外觀都不一樣喔,我在Ebay看的就都不相同..你這把也是"唯一"的呢..^^ 從美國運啊?? 不會是從ESP US Custom Shop吧?? 哇..
Sir.72 酷哦 ! 等你琴與 AMP 都到齊後, 我北上時要借把一下哦 ! 我會練一下 Lynch 的歌來現醜一下. Jemzax.,入門曲In My Dreams 是吧 ? 練個 solo 就好了 !! he he .
To OD 練"Kiss of death" 啦!!,,滴那,,,,那,那,,哪∼,搭哩滴搭,,,,,, 我可以用"嘴"從頭彈到尾哦!!..... 今日和小武聊器材,,,,談到了"Palmer Simulator","Littlelab IBP",,,,,hehehe !!,,,這樣才是完整的起點啦!!.....Anti-rackmounted pre-amp setting !!
</font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr />原留言人 Mr72: 今日和小武聊器材,,,,談到了"Palmer Simulator","Littlelab IBP",,,,,hehehe !!,,,這樣才是完整的起點啦!!.....Anti-rackmounted pre-amp setting !!</font>[/QUOTE]"小武"指的是陳建武前輩嗎?想當年我還到Scum看過"The Night"的表演,尤記得宣傳海報上還寫著"神點"吉他手!! Ha~ha~ha!!!真的蠻屌的!BTW Anti-rackmounted pre-amp 指的是只用pedal的effect嗎?