怎麼很少人提到George Lynch,它可是我最喜歡的吉他手之一,十幾年前可是很具代表性的吉他手,彈的東西雖是重金屬但很有風格和味到,你也許可以學楊萎或Steve Vai學得很像,但要抓到George Lynch的味道可是很難的,真的很喜歡他,他和dokken的現場彈的即興都比錄音室棒
回樓上 我也很喜歡George Lynch,,,especially while still with Dokken,,like ""Kisses of Death "",,,,,那把骷顱頭ESP當時對我來說簡直酷畢,,,,,, however,,in 91,,"Lynch Mob" was doing the warm-up band with "Mr.Big"'s U.K. tour,,,..I was luckyly enough to get a stage-hand job with them,,,and George is a nice guy,,,but really less good GT tone on stage and less cool performance in comparison with Paul,,, but,,,,He got better and more chicks than rest rockers !!
嘿嘿... George Lynch跟Vito Bratta可是我最喜歡的吉他手(80年代).. 記的有一位吉他手叫陳信安, 他可以將George Lynch的style彈的很像(幾乎一樣) 不過現在跑去作唱片幕後了.
George Lynch在八零年代是很紅的吉他英雄,可惜現在不流行這種風格的metal,算是時不我予吧.前年還出了張專輯"will play for food",翻唱些經典歌曲. 上面有人提到Vito Bratta.我以前也超喜歡這位吉他手的,他是white lion吉他手,技巧也很炫,只可惜後來不知怎麼搞的,完全放棄音樂,據主唱說他現在連談音樂都不肯,原因不明.也算是一大奇事.
真是懷念這些80年代的英雄,Randy、van halen、vai、lynch、vinnie moore、nuno、陽痿、bratta...每一個都好有特色﹐比較起來現在的心一代吉他手就只剩速度和難度了
說來好笑,,,,我以前喜歡的GT players 大多是外型"帥呆",,, George Lynch是一枚,,,,另一枚則是Warren DeMartini,,,,from "Ratt",,,技術還好而已,,,但那把"蛇皮"GT.....,,美呆 !!!!!,,, 又想起另一枚,,,,,,Jack.E.Lee,,,
怎麼說沒人喜歡 George Lynch?他的彈奏風格和那把神風琴在日本還挺受歡迎的,他的曲風也很華麗。 </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> 他和dokken的現場彈的即興都比錄音室棒 </font>[/QUOTE]每個老 rock 團都是這樣,爛的就剛好相反啦! </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> 上面有人提到Vito Bratta.我以前也超喜歡這位吉他手的,他是white lion吉他手,技巧也很炫,只可惜後來不知怎麼搞的,完全放棄音樂,據主唱說他現在連談音樂都不肯,原因不明.也算是一大奇事. </font>[/QUOTE]應該是時不予我吧!現在不紅了一定也就躲起來,不過完全不玩也很誇張。 </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> 真是懷念這些80年代的英雄,Randy、van halen、vai、lynch、vinnie moore、nuno、陽痿、bratta...每一個都好有特色﹐比較起來現在的心一代吉他手就只剩速度和難度了 </font>[/QUOTE]會嗎?現在的rock 歌的solo 越來越少,大都只有power chord,怎麼說只剩速度和難度呢?
認識的人大部分都是 Vai or Satch 迷, 只有我喜歡那 Lynch 風格.. 想藉此認識一些樂友.. 假如你也是 Dokken, Lynch Mob 迷, 交個朋友吧 .. Lynch 今年會有2張專輯發行喔 .. 期待中 .. L/P ( Pynch ) .. Jeff 與 Lynch 合作之作品 .. Dokken/Lynch Mob Remake Record .. Lynch Mob 裡的 Anthony, Robert 與新的鼓手 Fro, 據說變"重"了 ..
From Offical George Lynch site, L/P RELEASE DATE We have finished the mixing and mastering of the L/P CD and have turned it in to Spitfire Records, they have given us a release date of 04/08/03. Jeff and I are very, very excited about this and can't wait to get it out for everyone to hear. We have posted some MP3'S to give you a taste. The song titles are as follows: Breath & A Scream Beast In The Box When You Bleed Vaccine Ever Higher Zero The End The Evil That You Are Awaken Cromanic Goodbye Utopia Inner View Closer To None http://www.georgelynch.com/lynchpilson.html 不屌我讓你罵 .. Bogner Uberschall 的 Power !!! ^O^
From Offical Jeff Pilson site, As I told you, as soon as I was made aware of the official release date I'd relay it to you. Well we had a great meeting with Spitfire today and the release date is set for April 22nd. They are so excited about the CD, George and I were both kind of emotional [like- wow- maybe all that work could actually be truly appreciated!!!!]. Anyways, LOTS of work ahead- and the street teams are going to be an integral part. The first phase of the campaign will really be focusing in on internet marketing and interviews, and the street team will have a chance to be extremely active. The goal is to get this record made aware of by any fan of Dokken and/or the genre, and then to get the word to spread from there. Expect lots of contests, including tie-ins with instrument endorsers, etc. and be prepared to make large dents in the phone bill to radio stations! I haven't felt this mobilized in as long as I can remember. Chad and Robin will start gathering the street team lists soon- and there will be an L/P website and, hopefully, a strong communication center for the whole thing. We made it very clear that we want the street teams to be well rewarded, and not to be taken lightly. I think labels [at least Spitfire] are finally wising up to this, and how important the fan base is to a record like ours. I'll convey the info as I get it, but I've got a real good feeling about all this. If nothing else, I think we'll all have a lot of fun in the nex
Hi Folks, 講到 Lynch,,怪事就來了,,,,,80s L.A. rockers "parties 的好朋友"......Ed Roman 竟然還有"J.Frog"的正版 Skull N' Bones GT在賣耶!!......ESP的那版完全遜掉!!.... 誰有US$ 5.000.-去買一把,,,就夠格當Chief of fan club 了!!............ URL link: http://www.worldclassguitars.com/guitar/home_jfr.htm
回樓上 話說回來,,,如果USD$5.000.不花在J.Frog ,,換成兩三把ESP "神風""老虎"or"武士刀"放一起 ,,,也可以當個總幹事 of Lynch's Fan club .... 我有USD5.000.買Guitar的話,,先存起來等存夠了再去買Gibson SJ-200 custom vine.... http://www.acousticguitar.com/giveaway2/anniversary/gibson.htm
呵呵.. 有US$5000的話... 還差4999, 這把Gibosn 真漂亮... 買回家放著炫燿都爽... 請問一下,"武士刀"這把是指Snake&Skull??? 在台灣大約是多少錢呢?? 你有看到過嗎?? 我也想入會說!!! 呵呵... BTW, 買這把也可算是會長級的... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2506916719&category=33038