Folks,,,,, 想不到Randy Rhoads 喜歡 George 的琴耶!!,,,, </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> "Randy pointed out that he wanted white polka-dots on black. He wanted the humbuckings, the tremolo system and the Danelectro neck because he liked the way it felt on George Lynch's guitar. </font>[/QUOTE]From,,,, To Jeff 你客氣了,,,,,,學了沒用才是悶哩!!!,,,不過自己爽就好了!!!!!
Mr72, 呵呵..有點假的5150..真希望我看的懂他在搞啥... 我從Harmony-Central's Amp Forum 中看看,一些High Gain User都強烈建議JJ喔..??!!
Mr72, Randy and George 本來就認識阿..呵呵.. 據說當Randy離開Ozzy時,他推薦George去替補他的空缺喔...但是當時Ozzy認為George的短頭髮不適合(請參照他在Breaking the Chain時的造型,MTV Solo時真是很俗又好笑)...所以找到了Jack E Lee啦!!! Randy當時在Ozzy團時,他的一些吉他學生好像是由George替他代課...^^ George被人詬病的地方是他離開Dokken時,組Lynch Mob時沒能找到真正能協助他成為家戶喻曉的Vocal,雖然Lynch Mob的前兩張專輯都很不錯..(第三張是考驗對George的忠誠度..呵呵)..但是Fans好像特別希望他與The Voice of Rock - Glenn Hughes合作個幾張專輯... 對於Mr. Scary好像真的有滿多可以聊的..嘻嘻..
</font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> Randy and George 本來就認識阿 </font>[/QUOTE]這段我真的是現在才瞭,,,,,,,, 我其實最愛的就是Randy 了,,,,,,,,,趕快去翻"Dee"來聽!!,,,
Mr72, Dee?? 剛剛想要從GL Forum找一些RR的資料.. 找了好久...找不到.. >_< 嘻嘻..原來Jack E,Warren DeMartini與George都是不錯的朋友..早期覺得DeMartini與George Style有點點像.. 這期的Guitar World,Zakk也是很推從George喔... Zakk: When I was growin up, to be the big gun on the block you had to play Randy's Stuff, Eddie's stuff, or anybody thatwas cool.... I mean I'm not a big Dokken fan but I'll tell you right now: George Lynch can THROW DOWN. It wasn'tlike super heavy metal shit, but you listened to George Lynch;s solos, his vibrato and everything, and it wa slike" What the fuck's he doing?" George也有參加過一場G3的Jam呢...
分享一則Lynch Story.. Here is a cool little story about George that I pulled from Curt Mitchell's site. I don't know if you know him or not., he is pretty well known for his work on the learn to burn guitar instructions and master series instructions. Curt is a monsterous guitarist. Anyway cool story that I thought was pretty funny and entertaining thought you might like this one! Curt MitchellTuesday, 1/14/03, 12:41 AM Joe, here's one. We were on tour w/Lynch mob for a few weeks 1990/91 can't exactly remember when, when I was in Bangalore Choir, and the last two nights we played in LA then in Tijuana. In LA some punks opening for us broke the water pipe on the ceiling of Georges room, so he had to warm up in our dressing room. He was real quiet and I'm lookin at him trying not to act like a fool and every now and then he would tighten up stoop over and play the BADDEST riffs you ever heard. Mr. Scary encarnate. So he gets up, didnt drink all day, and had the worst show I'de seen him have all tour. The next night in TJ, he starts drinking at noon. His power amp blows up in his rack just before he has to go on stage. Nobody will tell him. So my bro Danny the bass player for Bangalore tells him "hey George you can borrow my power amp no problem, sorry yours blew up." George FREAKS out, gets in a fight with his guitar tech, both of them about 45 yrs old, and eventually they're standing against the wall sayin "I'm not goin on unless he runs my pedal board" "I'm not runnin your f$#kin pedal board asshole!"This goes on for at least 20 minutes while the 18 and up crowd in mexico is about to riot. So they finally get it together and I'm at the back of the room cause I've heard George playing all week and he's hammered so I'm just gonna drink quietly at the back of the club. Within 4 bars I raced back up to the stage and stood right next to the man with my other guitarist Johnny and tried to keep my jaw up off the ground. You NEVER saw such a display of metal shredding if your life. Punks stage diving from 2 stories up, people being dragged out unconscious George's set list was covered in blood at the end of the night. We had a ball. By the way, Michael Shenker was the king of leaving the wah pedal on half cocked, cool tone. Late, Curt.
Jemzax : 你居然不知道dee ??? 收錄在ozzy專輯裡的一首instrumental... 我應該有彈給你聽過 ! 我記得dee有幾個不同的版本. N年前我的GT老師教我這首後,叫我每天都要彈十次ㄋ....
72葛格 </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> 現在在Taiwan,,,GT players 都不用AMP 錄音,,也沒人在乎什麼AMP tone 了 </font>[/QUOTE]我很好奇, 現在的"standard"錄法是怎樣呢? 真的是用類似POD的東西然後再靠錄音師來修嗎?
To Shawn 你也太猛了吧,,,,我才剛上線,,, 你就找我..... 其實還是有人錄AMP sounds 啦,,,,,但對我個人而言,,,,如果錄到DAW "ProTools"一類的medias,,,,用不用AMP 也沒差........反正還是"薄"的,,,, check the GT sounds of Lanney Kravitz's albums,,..,It is easy to find what "ProTools" had done with his GT tones,,,,,it is better before his ProTools invaded... 其實除了Band sound 類的session,,,一般的MIDI arrangement 都不會很倚重GT 的Tones,,,over-dubbing guitar,,像一個"例行步驟",,,, When GT dubbing becomes merely for fill up some frequency lacks,,,,It is Fxx@#$%^ sucks,,,,,,, 太Pro 的不用AMP,,省時間,,,,,, 太不Pro的也不用AMP... 不會用..... 手髒的不用AMP......不好聽...... 手沒感情的不用AMP......沒必要....... 很重要的一點是,,,,,,GT players 不一定有夠好聽的AMP,,,,,有也要願意搬,,,,,搬來彈"F4"一類的..., 大家也不買,,,,自己也爽不到哪裡,,,,,,,,,,, 反正怎樣的理由都O.K.啦!!!,,,,
72葛格, </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> 太Pro 的不用AMP,,省時間,,,,,, 太不Pro的也不用AMP... 不會用..... 手髒的不用AMP......不好聽...... 手沒感情的不用AMP......沒必要....... </font>[/QUOTE]這段話太經典, 應該放到精華區裡面 ^皿^
看到這麼多仁兄把George Lynch討論到如此深奧ㄉ地步~~小ㄉ我實在是非常ㄉ佩服~~我也是Lynchㄉ頭號樂迷!!只是我ㄉ等級跟你們差ㄉ多ㄌ~~>"<.......... 可以請問一下你們有Lynch早期在DOKKENㄉ譜ㄇ~~??我千辛萬苦只找到ㄌUNCHAIN THE NIGHT這首歌而已~~不之各位是否有他ㄉ譜還是可以告訴我要到哪裡找~~謝謝 還有LOUDNESS在1989年跟1991年ㄉ那2張專輯ㄉ譜如果知道哪裡找ㄉ到ㄉ話也請告知一下~~多瞎多瞎^^
OrangeDuck, 呵呵,別K我喔... 我只買過RR跟Ozzy的首張專輯,是蠻喜歡他的風格..但是對他就不是那麼熟..(我只會彈crazy Train的Riff..爛吧!!)..我也聽過幾首歌from the Tribute album,以後有空你在秀一秀他的歌給我聽嚕....^^ DEE...我待會馬上去抓..
Skid Row, 請下載 Power Tab Editor 先... 裡面很多Dokken,慢慢練.. 練會順便教我一下... 這裡有 4 首 Alone Again Breaking The Chains Dream Warriors In My Dreams And 歐洲的 Dokken 非官方網站收藏
LYNCH/PILSON REACH THE WICKED UNDERGROUND IN APRIL: Spitfire Records have put together a tidy press release for the upcoming Lynch / Pilson album. Here it is: Wicked Underground released date April 22, 2003 George Lynch/guitar; Jeff Pilson/bass, vocals; Michael Frowein/drums 有興趣的人請到 謝謝支持Mr.Scary...
我印象中好像Randy Rhoads和Lynch本來就是好朋友,Randy開了一家樂器行或吉他教室,常找Lynch代課,後來Randy加入Ozzy,便想找Lynch去他原來的樂團Quiet Riot頂替,Lynch本來已參加Ratt,於是找另一個好朋友Martini去Ratt 聽說後來Lynch離開Dokken後,有去找Steve Vai學樂理,因為Lynch彈琴完全憑感覺,不懂樂理,他每次彈的都不一樣,即興能力超強,在Lynch Mob 裡彈的東西都比較有樂理上的編排了 以上就是他們幾個的姻緣,其中大概有一半是我記錯了,請知道的人指正 還有Randy 是突然摔死的,他不可能找Lynch去頂替他在OZZY的先發位置,除非他有托夢給他們 下次大家聊聊,另一個我很喜歡的吉他手----Jack E. Lee 吧!
Ozzy用的吉他手都很棒,Randy和Jack E. Lee我都超喜歡的,偉大的吉他英雄Ed Van Halen有一年得獎時就說過,如果Randy還活著,就輪不到他得獎 Jack E. Lee在Bad Land表現得比在Ozzy時棒多了,充分顯示出他是藍調底的,他離開Ozzy時曾說過他實在受不了Ozzy老是要他學Randy彈一些三連音、四連音的,而且團員表演完就各自走了,很沒人情味,不像Badland的主唱 都會幫吉他手收器材 他在離開Ozzy之後非常消沈,索性開個修車廠,整天修車,有空到酒吧彈一下,有一次他曾在一個酒吧看到一個年輕小鬼的表演,當場驚為天人,覺得那小鬼彈得棒極了,後來那小鬼成名了,名字叫Slash ]其實我覺得Jack彈得比Slash棒) 我很喜歡Jack的台風,尤其是拿那把Fender style的ESP和Chavel不裝搖桿,用壓彎琴頸來做出搖桿的效果,我一直想學那股帥勁,但實在很怕把我愛琴的命根子弄斷 不過自從Ozzy的第三任吉他手Zakk是我最不喜歡的,後來的專輯我一概不買了
太猛了!!!一轉眼以經到了第4頁了!現在在我的腦海浮現 一些聲音"In my dream it still the same,your love still strong,it still remain........!!!
Rock99, RR不是說要離團去學古典嗎?? 後才墬機?? 小弟我的版本跟您的不太一樣.. 我的版本是Dokken解後,他跑去MI學樂理.. 恩恩..Lynch難得的是他都靠耳朵,與感覺.. 從Wicked Sensation這專輯可知他節奏部分進步許多,不像在Dokken時,只是較呆版的PowerChord,當然..Lead的部分更成熟喲..^^ 不知您是否有聽過Lynch版的Mr.Crowley & Paranoid?? 很棒喔..沒有我可以上傳給你喔.. 對於Jack E Lee,這就有勞您了..我有一堆從網上抓的Bad Land,但是很少聽..推薦幾首吧.. 爲啥不喜歡Zakk啊??我覺得他還不錯嚕,五聲音階爆強..呵呵..有屬於他自己的風格啊.. 我對他認識也不深,對他所彈的"No More Tears"riff最有印象..^^ OrangeDuck 你的偶像Zakk呢,介紹介紹吧.. Where is Mr72?? 忙著做大事業??