啊!我也是超喜歡AC/DC,從八零年代他們出Back in black到現在,我都一直喜歡,兩任的主唱都很棒,我最喜歡這種神經質變態狂似的唱腔,鼓手雖不踩雙大鼓,但鼓點和力道都很震撼,Angus Young當然是偶像,太酷了,看他們那張DVD真是過癮
To shredder Hummm,,,你要表演一下至少 24 小節的 "Mr.Scary ",,,才能進會內賽哦!!....HaHaHa !! </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> 看到70年代他才真會笑死,那一身裝扮當然是照舊 </font>[/QUOTE]補充一下,,,,Angus 的裝扮事實上是英倫國內國中小學生的一般制服打扮,,,,當然台灣本地GT players 也可穿卡其制服,帶圓頂大盤帽校法,,,,,,也很cool 啦 !!.. P.S. 在這聊Lynch 以外的 players,覺得有點對不起george,,,,但是,,,,Folks,,What happen to " Stevie Steven" ???我覺得他彈奏超旋律性的!!,,,,但從"原子花花公子"後,就好像不見了??,,..Anyones know ??..
To: 72 哥 Steve Stevens 在2000 有發一張solo 專輯叫flamenco a go-go.. 還有與 Terry Bozzio & Tony Levin 出了兩張蠻experimental 的專輯.. black light syndrome (1997) 和 situation dangerous (2000)... 看過悍衛戰士的一定聽過 S.Stevens 彈的top gun theme...好聽好聽... 還有還有 S.Stevens 的絕招..用delay 作出chu chu chu chu chu 的吉他聲 , 好像沙羅曼蛇的電動一樣呵呵...
回 OrangeDuck 是喔?!!,,,待回去check小武reharsal 後再去把把有沒有"現貨",,,,Cheers !!,,,阿你沒上來幫忙加油打氣喔??....還是不削啊??....hehehe !! 'Top Gun"叫"悍衛戰士"喔!!,,,,, 現在聽起來還蠻土的說!!.... btw,,I rang "Kevin" yesterday,and did receive a price list faxed,,,I should place my order next week,,,,Kevin have being great help !!and the figure is kinda of fair to me,,,,I reckon it might be cool to address some "custom option" for my order,...since "Soldano" seems to be quite happy to accept 'personal order' from their factory(accordingly!!),,,,but don't get mistaken....not the colours or tolex,,,My magic recipe is change the "Sovtek 12AX7LPS" to "12AX7R2",,, It is a suggest from a pal in "Air" studio,,,I was told that will make a tube Amp head works more "musical" in a "re-amp" processing.... I must leave now !! Ciao !!
Shredder, 呵呵,真有這個會嗎?? 應該找一天把所有Lynch fan找出來,大家交流交流... 你會彈Mr. Scary嗎?? 彈個Intro給大家看看囉,我怎麼彈怎麼有雜音...唉... Rock99, Back in Black是一張不可多得的80經典.. 封面是黑底的專輯好像都賣的很好..GnR's 毀滅慾,Michael Jackson's Dangerous, Metallica's Black album and AC/DC's Back in Black... AC/DC的現場很"搖滾"喔...他們Live CD & DVD裡的表現,把專輯的POWER又推上一層...呵呵.. 不過我的疑問是...怎麼每一首歌的solo感覺都很像,都是在中把位的地方跑..我認為他最強的地方就是每一首的solo都能彈的很像但是卻又不一樣...嘻嘻..厲害!! Mr72, Steve Stevens啊,他不是一直都在幫Billy Idol(拼錯請指正)做LIVE Tour嗎?? 我認為他很有型喔,一點也不像是彈Top Guns的人,長的太奇異了..聽他的solo真是享受,他喜歡搞那種"漸入式"solo,前面都很慢..然後開始飆(跑的音很漂亮),結尾就用一些奇怪的音效..炸彈啦,雷射槍都有... 他的flamenco專輯也不錯,充分展現出他的另一面,無論編曲與旋律都很優,但是不知位啥他就是不紅...很有實力的樂手但就一直在二線徘徊.. 我這陣子都在聽他與Vince Neil(克魯小丑,早期很優,晚期不知在衝啥)的Exposed,很優的專輯..吉它與主唱都在當時的搖滾巔峰狀態..強力推薦... Atomic Playboy = 原子花花公子??...真是這樣翻嗎??呵呵.. PS...Vince Neil晚期發福後有與一位很漂亮的AV拍黃色錄影帶喔..呼呼...Poison's Bret Michael也是..不過對象是Pamela Anderson,哈哈..分明是向Tommy Lee炫燿..
To: 72 哥 Tube replacement can always be done afterward.. but the custom appearance on the head better be done in the factory..蛇皮啦....帥呆... 小武今天的表演我會精神支持啦...呵呵..
Rock99, 據我所知,他一直是Hammer的愛用者,有他的簽名琴喔..不過..不是很出色就對了.. 晚期他用Godin的尼龍弦吉它,也有順便用他們那"三合一"的LGXT.. 他用啥效果器我就沒概念了..^^
後來的專輯除了Godin 外, 也常使用 PRS.. 使用蠻多 Fulltone 的pedals.. To: Jemzax David, 兩年前寄給你的 top gun theme 譜練成了吧 ? he he !
OrangeDuck, 開頭的泛音+搖桿超機車..怎麼彈怎麼不像..不過..結尾那一段Tapping..只要音有彈到和對到..就有那一丁點味道出來啦..嘻嘻... 結尾的超級Delay當然是用不出來... 怎麼大家都用Fulltone.. >_<
for Steve Stevens,,,,, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2507738363&category=33048 To OrangeDuck </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> the custom appearance on the head better be done in the factory</font>[/QUOTE]There is no way that my gears appear to be ordinary,,,,you had my word,,,HaHa,, I really think "Alligator" or " Lizard" might be more distinguish from common Soldanos snakeskin,,,,,,A Orange Alligator would be my Top 10,,,,,,hehe !!
我有點好奇 Mr.72 講那招 "12AX7R2" for "12AX7LPS" makes re-amp more musical 是什麼原因,可不可以跟大家聊聊? 今天剛好讀到 Mike Soldano 在雜誌上回讀者說他也不建議 12AX7LPS 插在 HotRod 100 裡後三個 high cathode voltage stage,他建議用 Sovtek 12AX7LP 或 Chinese 12AX7。我不曉得 Mr.72 的未來老婆是否也如此,但換管子前請注意喔。 順便轉貼一串真空管笑話: (#13 很好笑∼) =============== http://www.aikenamps.com/Tubeneck.html 1. You can remember the pinouts for 150 tubes but forget your anniversary. 2. Your wife tells you to turn up the heater and you ask her how many volts? 3. You make your son keep his solid state amp at his friends house. 4. You've ever been thrown out of the local land fill for pillaging old stereo chassis. 5. Your kids think "Plexi Palace" is the castle at Disneyworld. 6. You have more amps than guitars. 7. You've ever used a tube for a guitar slide. 8. There's a set of EL34s' on the mantle next to the family portrait. 9. None of your tube amps are in their cases. 10. You cry when your kids get you a matched pair of KT88s' for fathers day. 11. The inside of your Dual-Showman is cleaner than the inside of your Monte Carlo. 12. You keep an AC30 chassis upside down on top of the TV. 13. Your little girl asks you for an orange and you say "vintage or reissue?" 14. There are a couple 12AX7s dangling on a string from your rear-view mirror. 15. You have a pin straightener in your pocket. 16. You can set the bias on your amp but not the clock on the VCR. 17. You send your boy to his room for using the "transistor word" in front of guests. 18. You build a tube-type CD player. 19. You can tell the difference between an original Mullard box and a fake. 20. You know what a Mullard is. 21. Your TV doesn't have a remote control because it was made in 1952. 22. Your baby's first word is "Pentode". 23. VintageAmps.com is your homepage. 24. You look at your amp more than you play it. 25. You have a Fender name-plate on your key ring. 26. All your amps are facing the wall, so you can see the tubes. 27. You hear someone say "marshall" on a late-night western, and you wake up. 28. You fantasize about being a lawman of the old west, named "Marshall Vox". 29. You wonder why they don't pose girls in bikinis with amps instead of stupid old sports cars. 30. You read "Tube-Amp Digest" at the nude beach. 31. You have "Plexi's Rule" tattooed somewhere on your body. 32. A tear comes to your eye when you look at the pictures of Victor's workshop. 33. You refuse to listen to a band that uses "solid state" amps. 34. There's a portrait of "Jim Marshall" over your fireplace. 35. Your tube collection is insured with "Lloyds of London". 36. There's a 5U4GB wired in place of the blown power rectifier in your computer. 37. You and the family spend your 2 week vacation touring the "Marshall factory". 38. You have pictures of your amps in your wallet. 39. You have a "Tubes I need" list in your wallet. 40. You can remember the plate dissipation wattage of a 6L6GC, but forget to bring home a gallon of milk. 41. You keep a copy of "The Tube Amp Book" in the bathroom. 42. You know who "Aspen Pittman" is. 43. You think 6550s look kinda' sexy. 44. You want to be buried in a SUNN 6x12 cab when you die. 45. You own a $2,500 amplifier and drive a $300 car. 46. Your wife says "is that a tube in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" and it's a tube. 47. You know what year your Magnatone was made, but you can't remember how old your kids are. 48. You have Altec-Lansing end tables. 49. You think your 1964 Philco phonograph sounds better than your neighbors $8,000 Pioneer. 50. You dream of winning the lottery and buying out Ampeg. IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS PLEASE SEE A TECHNICIAN..ER.UH..I MEAN A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY! - Ray Gilliam, Phd BS - ===============
Rock99, ESP GL-56 3 Seymour Duncan Classic Stack Pickups 詳細的型號我就不知了.. sorry TB12與SH12的不同啊.. 不知你有沒有換過PickUp的經驗??(要有搖桿的喔).. 換完後仔細看的話,拾音器那六點跟吉他的六根弦不太對齊??(其實只有第一與第六較明顯啦)..TB系列基本上只是 mean that the pole pieces are spaces a little wider so that they align with the strings when you have a whammy bar.. 我覺得是沒差到哪去啦...可能第一弦與第六弦聲音會較清楚吧..對PickUp原來的本質不做改變.. 這是我所知的,如果有錯..請務必更正我..謝謝!! 還有...我不是主席啦...我連Mr. Scary都才只會前面四小節...
插個花 放個 Steve Steven 的網址 http://www.billyidol.com/Steve%20Stevens/opening%20page.htm and This stevestevens.net <-Official Web
To Jeff 其實說"musical"純粹是個人感覺,,,,,,, 從前在London 工作時,,,"資源"充足 ,,,常換管子當"GT EFX",,,,因此換出一套個人心得,,,,現在在Taiwan,,,GT players 都不用AMP 錄音,,也沒人在乎什麼AMP tone 了...想找人屁"管子經"也沒人有興趣了,,,這些"撇步"我可以和你哈啦至少兩大頁..........有興趣開個新話題,,,好好屁他一下,,,,, as you might aware of,,,Most modern Amp set the "Tone charaters" from first Tube or the first two tubes as pre-amp,,,the rests just bring up power,,,, Mike Soldano reckon Sovtek 12AX7LPS is not working quitely while the cathode votage is high,,,,,so it is not recommanded to plug 12AX7LPS into the later position in the row,,,This is also founded on "boogie"and some other modern amps,,, so when you replace 12AX7LPS with some 12AX7C or even some military tubes,,(myself prefer Mullard ECC83 or Mazda grey/silver plate...) It might sounds better or lesser noisy !!,,,however, it is not absolutely good for some metal players,,, My favor preamp tubes are Sovtek 12AX7LPS & Tesla JJ,,,,and some later postion I had been told the Groove Tube GT-12AX7R2 are pretty cool nowaday,,, Since My Soldano will mainly works in studio for re-amping and in my living room for fun,,,,Huge out-put volume is not so essential,,,,but gentlely drive up a "AMP tone" can be very handy to bring back some soul,...Believe or not,,a "POD" pre-recorded GT track sounds "10.000" times better after through amping than the original rubbish,,,!! But there are some really good tips for Tune-up a AMP,,,some of them could turn a fairly cheap tiny combo into some cool vintage tone,,,,,..or "adjusting" a pre-recorded tracks' "Musical impression",,, We engineers has some different views in applying pre-amp tubes from guitar players,,,,Audio Engineers might not able to force a player playing better,,,but do sometimes make a tune sings,,,,when you look into tube's acts closely,,,each of them is uniqe and almost like a stomp box efx,,, We should chat this up later somewhere,,,I am really exhausted today,(and lately !!),... my tubes had lighted up too long and too hot today,,,Bob Bradshaw and Mike Soldano might be considered as "PRO" for GT techs in states,,,,but I did luckyly run into some PROs in U.K. whom are Tube psychics,,,..I could also perform a wizard of Tube Amp later,,,when my Soldano arrive !!!,,,
Mr72, 請問一下.. jj 6l6's and jj ecc83, 這兩種差在哪裡??? Both PowerAmp tubes ?? 那EH's 12X7的PreAmp Tubes,您的意見呢??較適合High Gain Amp嗎?? 你對Amp bias mod有沒有了解呢?? 看大家好像都會拿去改bias... OrangeDuck, Got ur Ns-2,thanx sooooooooooooo much !!!!! Stick into my 5150's Loop,聲音有靜了些..但是還是可以感覺到hiss的存在說,我想應該是導線與Pedals的雜音吧... 像這種情況,用57收音會不會還沒彈就把雜訊都收飽了呢?? 感謝你,Mr Tim..回台一定飽請你...謝謝呢.. Last Q,sm57...3100~3200NT 會不會太貴?? 有看到新的$159AU...
TO JEMZAX 這裡先看一看啦,,,,我最近睡很少耶!!.... http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com/12ax7.html 玩管子要先對自己的耳朵有自信啦,,,,,別人說的都是別人的經驗啦!!!,,,,,我喜歡把Tubes 比成撲克牌,,,,贏錢不一定靠王牌,,,,常玩就瞭牌理!,,,,, Vintage的琴,Mics,outboards,,,,用學理儀器分析比較,,,成績未必亮眼,,,但卻常得到一個很難評分的形容,,,,,,屌 !!,,,好聽就屌啦!!,,,,其他都是屁啦!!,,,,, </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr />看大家好像都會拿去改bias.. </font>[/QUOTE]一個Tone 再好聽,,,,久了還是想換啦!!,, 我猜這才是主因,,,,,, </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> 但是還是可以感覺到hiss的存在</font>[/QUOTE]這正常啦,,,,,等一發聲,,,什麼hiss都不在了!! 話說回來,,,,,換個後級tubes,,,,說不定會安靜哦!!