九月28是 Mr. Scary 的生日喔.. 先祝教主生日快樂吧!!! 希望能盡快看到 George 帶著團過來開場演唱會~~ 剛剛逛了一下 Mob Shop, 發現有新的 CD 喔.. Lynch Dojo CD Vol 1 PLAY ALONG WITH THE SENSEI - A MOB SHOP EXCLUSIVE! George Lynch’s Dojo: Volume 1 is a remarkable collection featuring hand-selected and stripped down tracks by Sensei George Lynch. Containing classic Lynch tracks and personal favorites, the entire disc was prepared by the Sensei for guitarists to play over. An unbelieveable asset to flexing your chops, this is a perfect addition to any practicing musician. The George Lynch Dojo Vol. 1 CD contains the following tracks: 1. All I Want ...lo tuning basic trax of the LYNCH MOB track from the WICKED SENSATION lp. later re-recorded on the Revolution cd 2. Tunnel of Thighs ...adapting of the TROWER classic 3. Kill Whitey ...newer Lynch instrumental minus solos. 4. Kaos Theory ...no solo version of the never released "Band of Flakes" sessions. frequent chord changes. 5. Breath and a Scream ...basic track of the L/P song. 6. Vaccine ...basic track of the L/P song. 7. Kali's Revenge ...another no solo of the never released "Band of Flakes" sessions. fun to play to. 8. Stormbringer adapting ...of the cover of the DEEP PURPLE classic featured on the "Furious George" CD. 9. Watchtower ...adapting of the cover of the DYLAN/HENDRIX classic featured on the "Furious George" CD. 10. Scary ...bare bones rendition of the DOKKEN song "Mr. SCARY".. this one has no rhythm guitars, allowing you the flexibility of playing the rhythms, licks, and solos along with drum and bass accompaniment only. " Notes: This Cd is a collection of some newer Lynch compositions, older re-recorded songs and previously recorded cover songs. All solos have been removed and in the case of "Scary" rhythm guitars as well." 晚點有空再來訂購吧~~
剛好路過看到這篇.... 八月份的GUITARPLAYER剛好最後一頁有提到 CCDeville的近況跟裝備 Guitar: GMP V series Amp: Crate G120 head, Marshall JCM 800 head,various 4x12 cabs,Matchless SC-30 into a Wizard 2x12 cab Others: Rocktron Hush IIC noisegate, dean markely strings, Dunlop 1.0 mm picks
哇... 很少看到喔... 謝謝你的連結!! George 在 80 還會被貼上 shredder 一詞, 現在是沾不上邊了, 80 的專輯, 還真的挺會飆的!! 昨晚在 iTune 聽到 Bach 參與 FrameShift 的專輯, 應該已經出很久了, 也順便讀到他好像跟專輯發起人有一些詞曲版權的問題, 回台再去買吧... 推薦囉 !!!
馬斯坦兄又在造福樂友了。^^ 這些團裡我只認識Treat而已,以前買過的金屬精選集CD收過他們的歌,所以知道這團。 其他團還真的是連團名都沒聽過,好奇去AMG查還真的都查不到資料,已不可考。 這些歌曲真是好聽,80' METAL的抒情搖滾曲風真是令我百聽不厭哪! 這馬斯坦兄到底是何方神聖?竟然挖的出這些團。 我CD收藏上萬張自認已算金屬達人級,果然還是人外有人。 現正收藏經典LP中,只收不拆,買回來拜。^^