找到了 感謝
感謝分享; 請問您對fanned frets 熟悉嗎? 我只在網路看沒碰過所以好奇。 還是木頭兄有用過嘛?
基地的 "twang" and "chime" 都有; 問題是您記憶里fender 的 "twang" & "chime"的程度. 使用的amp會影響這些程度. 一些人認為 少了hum, 感覺"奇怪&不自然". 因此,這比較個人化.
Is the sound and video out of syn?
Not really into this genre of music; however, i would say it's good effort and thumbs up for a all-female band. And don't worry too much about your...
Case in point, you used "organic" and "violin" as references; i'm simply replying to those references. Take it easy, as mentioned there are two camps...
Organic 蔬菜未證實比none-organic 蔬菜多維生素和礦物質; it's more of a halo/placebo effect. "Stratovarius blind test" 證明現在技術與木頭的可以建造same/or better sounding violins;...
有挺多great guitarist 是玩不起眼的琴起家的。 當時(50s) fender 和gibson 產solid body 時是拿最容易的手的木,沒那麼講究wood science. Wood science in relation to solid body 是這幾年Internet...
R8/R9 都有人賣; 選一些試試再說. 試不需要錢. : )
erm... 有財力買得起59 burst而不在乎音色得人只會買有名人使用過或有名色的59 burst. Joe Bonamassa 是一知名的收藏家/artist; 他買burst會考慮音色. Dirk Ziff的收藏都有專家幫他挑選和購買. Dirk Ziff也曾經是一個樂隊吉他手....
Test pieces 只有5mm thickness... 木材影響音響特性是正確的, 但是影響在 acoustic and classical guitars比較多因為材料單薄, 因此振動較大. acoustic and classical guitars需要結他體的振動to amplify...
或許在那裡真實聽會比較好或或許有些人喜歡這tone; but to my ears, i've certainly heard "better".