想用筆記型電腦來錄音的人可以參考 Steinberg 發表兩款的 AD/DA。兩者都有 24/96kHz 的功能,而價錢也很低。目前 audio interfaces 主要是 MOTU 的天下,其他則有 EgoSys 等小廠用低價搶剩餘的市場,Steinberg 開發筆記型電腦的 AD/DA 是不錯的主意。 Steinberg 也強調這些硬體和其軟體的整合性,特別是 Nuendo。不過倒底哪些人在用 Nuendo 這種軟體呢?買得起 Nuendo 的軟體和高階硬體大概會直接考慮 ProTools 之類;而想撿便宜者只怕會直接用 Cubas 或朋友的 Cakewalk.....。Steinberg 的市場區隔好像有點問題。 <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> (from Harmony Central)The New Nuendo Audiolink 96 I/O Solutions Steinberg is introducing a brand new set of professional I/O Solutions for ASIO compatible Audio Production Systems such as Cubase VST, WaveLab and Nuendo based on the world famous Hammerfall Techology. Both Mac, PC, even Notebooks can now be upgraded to a high-end and high-speed audio system - with 24-bit 96kHz recording quality and latencies down to 1 ms! The Nuendo Audiolink 96 System offers many of the features from the Nuendo PCI 96/52 card and the Nuendo 8 I/O 96k now for the mobile recording studio such as 24-bit 96kHz, S/PDIF and ADAT optical, integrated mixer in TotalMix technology for complete ASIO 2.0 direct monitoring, an independently operated mixer desktop providing several submixes, DIGICheck in hardware for professional level metering with peak and RMS values in broadcast quality, MIDI I/O and much more. .................... The Nuendo Audiolink 96 System consists either of a PCI card, AudioLink 96 PCI or a CardBus (PCMCIA type II) card, AudioLink 96 Mobile, and a choice of I/O solutions: The Audiolink 96 Digiset and Audiolink 96 Multiset. The Audiolink 96 Digiset is an extended version of the well-known Nuendo PCI card 95/52. It offers 3 ADAT optical I/Os, ADAT-Sync In, SPDIF I/O and word clock I/O. In addition, there are 2 MIDI I/Os and a separate analog line out. With the unique 'Zero CPU Load' technology, Audiolink 96 guarantees highest performance and lowest latency on both notebooks and desktops! The small half rack box's front panel hosts some useful status LEDs like MIDI state, lock state of the digital inputs, and error state of the host-bus. The Audiolink 96 Multiset is multi-channel. It includes ADAT optical I/O, ADAT-Sync In, SPDIF I/O, MIDI I/O, Word Clock I/O and a separate analog line output. Audiolink 96 Multiset provides 8 analog inputs and outputs, balanced and at 24-bit/96 kHz. All this can be used on notebooks as well as on desktop computers with the same 'zero cpu load' and low latency! The Nuendo Audiolink 96 Series is currently available. Prices: * Audiolink 96 Mobile PCMCIA CardBus Interface $350.00 MSRP * Audiolink 96 PCI PCI -- CardBus Interface $300.00 MSRP * Audiolink 96 Digiset Digital I/O Box $650.00 MSRP * Audiolink 96 Multiset Analog Digital I/O Box $850.00 MSRP http://www.steinberg.net <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>