不曉得什麼時候發表的?剛剛從他們網站上見到: A note from Paul Reed Smith about our new tuners. "Our instruments are now equipped with Phase II PRS/Schaller Locking Tuning Pegs. They are only available on PRS Guitars. These new tuners are designed to be efficient, simple to use and improve the instrument's tone. We changed over in production January/February 2002. They took almost a year to develop and they work great! They are essentially the same design peg I put on Carlos' first instruments." 以上來自: http://www.prsguitars.com/news/tuner.html
回兩位大人: 小弟用的是2001做的PRS custom22, 上面還是舊的self-lockingtuner, 而我真的覺得很棒: 換弦速度快, 穩定性又高. 至於新的如何?老實說, 沒有長時間試驗我也不知道. 但是在PRS Forum (www.members.tripod.com/prsforum) 上看來似乎大家還是較偏好舊的系統. 不過, 即使如此, 還是很難評定吧? 也許大家只是念舊罷了...
我用 '96 PRS Custom 22. 我覺得舊的系統 Stay in Tune quite well. 看起來也很 Classic. 我不會想 upgrade to PhaseII tuner. I did upgrade my PRS with Tone Pros, 有興趣者可以試試 Sustain Better. http://www.tonepros.com/