大家看看PRS的20週年Model Bird Inlay的款式與以往有別 但是我覺得比原本Model美耶 http://www.12fret.com/new/prs_20th_Anniversary_Custom_4gtrs_pg.html 此外升級到Artist Package 這一款的fretboard是用Brazillian rosewood 這個dealer有不少PRS的好貨 http://www.wmcworld.com/prs.asp
轉貼Cliff的留言: 其實10 Top的定義 由PRS給Dealer的手冊上來翻譯的話 應該是指Maple top可以有完全反射光源的亮面 非10 top的maple則會有一些反光的死角 將PRS 10 top等級的吉他放在同一個光源底下 整個Maple Top對光源都能有清楚明亮的反射 幾乎不會有dead spot(反射死角、或稱為暗點) 紋路越是漂亮的楓木 反射光源的視覺效果也越美觀 以下摘自PRS網站的FAQ: 4. What is a 10 top? ------------------------------------------------------------ A very small percent of the maple trees cut in North America are actually figured. To make "10-Top" status, a PRS top must have clearly defined figure across its entire top with no "dead" spots. A guitar designated as a 10-Top will have a small "10" written on the back of the headstock in the upper right corner. Some of our earlier guitars have the "10" stamped into the finish in the same position. In some cases, the top may be remarkable through about 90% of it and a little dead through about 10% of it. ------------------------------------------------------------ 但是台灣的商人都說是10 top的意思是把中選一把最好的 我覺得這也說的通啦∼