不是"百分之百"的復刻 ... http://www.mesaboogie.com/Reviews/ToneQuest-LoneStar/ToneQuest-Mark1-LSReview.htm According to Mesa Boogie, the reissue Mark I has been changed from the original only in respect to the variable gain loop, which switches out of the circuit when FX are removed, and Tweed™ Power which "works like a built-in Variac, lowering overall voltages to produce a softer, brown vibe." 發售年份從網路資料來看是從 1990 到 2007 年, 差不多和 Mark IV 一樣 從 1972 年有 original Mark I, 到 1990 年推出 Mark I re-issue, 18 年後要作到一模一樣我覺得幾乎是不可能的事情吧 ... 囧rz 回到 70 年代同樣是 Mark I, 每顆的聲音可能都不太一樣, 當時製程沒有像現在那麼"劃一精準", 好聲音的 Boogie 可能都被挑走, 作收藏了 Mark V 的 Ch.2 有 Mark I mode ... 將就彈彈 Mark V 自爽吧