小弟目前使用PT搭配AMIII card, 在不久之前接觸到一些外國友人, 他們都推薦我使用 LOGIC 作電子音樂方面的創作 (尤其是紐西蘭,英國人). 他們都說內建的 sample 功能粉強, 有點像PT的sample cell.Plug-Ins 也贊. 不知各位前輩們是否有使用過Logic (在 Mac 上), 與音效卡的相容性, Audio sequencing 或 MIDI的功能可否幫小弟作比較. 感激不盡.
Well, in short, Logic Audio is powerful and fast (and easy if you know all the short cuts). I like it!!! The only thing that I would have complained about is the MIDI setting interface. But it is cool as long as you know how to use it. I LOVE Logic Audio (as long as I can transfer all the short cuts when I am not working on my machine.)
hi Van, thanks for the brief answer. But how about the sound card, i mean what type, kind of sound card does Logic support, can it run on AMIII or do i need another card 4 that? Also how's the MIDI function compare to PT? Cheers
tbone, The following screen shot is for the logic audio interface for Mac version 4.8. (I did not have or use 5.0 yet.) As you can see, Logic Audio can support multiple audio cards to run at the same time. I am not familiar with the AM III card. If it supports ASIO or Direct I/O, then I would assume that you can run it in Logic Audio with other cards at the same time. This is one of the cool things that I like about Logic Audio. For the MIDI configuration part, you can use OMS or Logic Audio's default MIDI setting. With OMS, you can ONLY use a serial port connected interface from Mac. This really stinks if you have a Power Mac G3 or G4 (since they do not come with a serial port any more). With USB support, you have to use Logic Audio's own setting, but it only supports Emagic's own MIDI interface with USB connection. So they are kinda force you to buy their product. And this is what I mean "BAD". If you use SoundDrive, it does support more MIDI devices than any other manufactur. But like I said, you would either have to choose to use thier USB interface or use serial port. For editing on MIDI or audio, Logic Audio is more than just STRONG. You can DO almost EVERYTHING in the edit window rather than opening several different windows to get the job done. One of the things that people thinks that Logic Audio is complicated is because its user interface is not very straight forward. But if you can set up a shortcut that you know exactly what you need (like I have my own shortcuts), you can then export them to a text file. Just bring the file with you whereever you go and import it. Then you can work just as fast as you are home. With ProTools, the MIDI setting and editing are very simple. Most of people do their MIDI editing with other software and import them to ProTools for mixing. If you are a savvy MIDI user, ProTools is not for you. I never use Logic Audio PC version. So this is just for Mac users!! Please don't ask me why some features only applied to Mac or PC. It is really Emagic's choice, not mine!!