Emagic 發表 WaveBurner PC 版

本文由 掌門人2002-03-18 發表於 "錄音、MIDI、音樂製作" 討論區

  1. 掌門人

    掌門人 當代校長張超然

    Emagic 發表 WaveBurner PC 版,此軟體可以做 CD mastering 和燒CD。由於支援 VST Plug-ins 且原廠也贈送不少 Plug-ins 可以做 Mastering (假設使用者有很好的監聽),再加上可以精確地排列每首曲的位置,WaveBurner 的功能看來不錯。

    雖然個人對歐洲的軟體沒太多好感 (主要是界面都常有問題),但 WaveBurner 似乎不錯。如有人用過 Mac b版,還請提供一點使用經驗。

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Emagic's WaveBurner Pro Comes to Windows

    WaveBurner Pro -- Emagic's professional Red Book audio-CD mastering and burning software -- is now available for the Windows platform. WaveBurner Pro allows the fast and intuitive creation of tracks, including non-destructive editing of regions and crossfades, plus the creation of break, track and index markers.

    Plug-in support
    Thanks to comprehensive plug-in support, audio material can be further refined and processsed in WaveBurner Pro. Plug-ins can be applied to individual regions, as well as to the final mix. Any number of plug-ins can be serially inserted, with effects possibilities directly related to the amount of host processing resources available. Selected Emagic plug-ins from the Logic Series are included, along with support for VST compliant plug-ins and Direct Show plug-ins.

    Integrated mastering tools

    Several key mastering plug-ins ship with WaveBurner Pro; e.g. Fat EQ, compressor/limiter, multi-band compressor and audio restoration tools. These superb plug-ins can be used in endlessly creative ways, and offer the precision required for the most critical of mastering tasks. As an example, remove undesirable noise artifacts from cassette or vinyl recordings without destroying the top or bottom end of an audio file.

    Audio formats

    Given the ever-growing popularity of High Definition Audio, 24-Bit/96kHz format files are natively supported within WaveBurner Pro. This unique ability is in contrast to many other programs that import this format, but then convert to 16 Bit. WaveBurner Pro allows you to work with the audio file in its original bit depth, with all processing done at an internal resolution of 32 Bit. Only at the final Mastering stage is the 32-Bit signal converted to the standard audio CD format, via the indemand high-quality dither algorithm: POW-r (Psychoacoustically Optimized Wordlength Reduction), from the development team of the 'POW-R Consortium LLC'.
    In addition to AIFF, WAV files can also be directly loaded into WaveBurner Pro for editing. MP3 file import is also supported, allowing for files in this format (downloaded from the Internet, or obtained elsewhere) to be burnt onto CD via WaveBurner Pro. http://www.emagic.de
