Allen & Heath 的復古 rack mixer

本文由 掌門人2002-04-11 發表於 "錄音、MIDI、音樂製作" 討論區

  1. 掌門人

    掌門人 當代校長張超然

    這幾年復古風好像有點過頭。著名的 mixer 製造商 Allen & Heath 將推出一款 rack 型的 mixer,針對club、DJ 需攜帶 mixers 的族群而設。雖然其設計和50年代的原產品一樣,但很讓人懷疑那種大而無當的面板能帶給使用者多少好處。但在產品還未上市前,換個角度想,目前 rack 型的 mixer 並沒有太多好的產品,或許 Allen & Heath 的 rack 型 mixer 能喚起其他廠商重視這個市場。

    [​IMG] <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Rotary Mixer Concept Shown by Allen & Heath

    Allen & Heath used the recent Musikmesse trade show to showcase an esoteric rotary mixer concept, which goes by the working title of Xone:V6. Although the exact specification of the final design is still not complete, the company has set out a clear mission statement for the product: to provide the best audio quality of any club mixer, past or present.

    Xone series designer Andy Rigby-Jones has been researching and testing the very best components available for this project, including thermionic valves and VU meters based on an original 1950s design. The emphasis on quality means that a single rotary fader for the Xone:V6 will cost as much as some complete entry-level mixers.

    Andy commented: "I wanted to give visitors to the Musikmesse a chance to see where the company is going on this project and to tell me what changes they would like to see between the prototype and the finished creation. We did this with the first prototype of the Xone:464 a few years ago, and the feedback ............................... This is all about absolutely pristine audio quality, so it won't go into production until I am 100% confident that it sounds phenomenal". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
