我一直想要 Wyane Krantz 重感冒似的 strat tone, 前一陣子索性自己寫信問他本人. 以下是他的回信: -------------------------------------------- nobody has ever told me i sound like a runny nose before; it's the funniest compliment i've ever had - thank you. it's a 70's strat through a 60's blackface deluxe. but lately i've been using some different stuff too. i think sound comes mostly from the hands. thanks for listening! wk
monk大哥: 多謝分享!!!很棒的感覺ㄋㄟ! Shawn PS小弟為了仿類似他的tone在我的Rocktron Prophesy裡調了一個setting叫"Poor Man's Blues"...可是我想我會去把他改成"Monk's Runny Nose" !!
^_^ monk大哥怎麼這麼客氣? 要是我真的有幫的上忙的地方我一定知無不言, 言無不知, OK? PS 還是叫我shawn就好了? 好不好? "水龍王"三個字是為了"回應"兩個控訴我"灌水"的快要被我海扁的傢伙啦(沒錯!julian & 威威你們有在看嗎?) 呵呵呵 ^o^