特別感謝茗匠公司提供第一手的資訊讓大家先睹為快。 後續我會請其他朋友、國內參展廠商繼續提供照片與消息給我們。 會場門口 Taye員工的jam Taye員工合照 人山人海 Kiss的粉絲 WorldMax今年新品限量鼓。 COLE MARCUS,十歲大的孩子是Zildjian、Vic、Mapex代言人。 WorldMax攤位 生化戰技大風孔,很兇的一顆鼓。 WorldMax新響絃系列,有多樣選擇。
橫拼超厚小鼓,連小鼓框都是,聲音特別,單價想當然相當高。 新品小鼓,彩繪貼皮。 Taye今年新品 - All Birch系列 Taye在美國最為人所津津樂道的Ray Ayotte小鼓系列 Taye ACS輔助夾系統 DJ Drums攤位 DJ Drums DJ Drums DJ Drums 具有專利權的空心鼓肚小鼓
Tama Drums官網報導: http://www.tamadrum.co.jp/usa/news/show/namm2009/ Pearl Drums官網報導: http://www.pearldrum.com/News/NAMM-News.aspx
Cindy Blackman跳槽到Istanbul Agop Cymbals,並且開發出個人簽名系列。 Lenny White、Matt Chamberlain 也是此品牌代言人。 看來Istanbul Agop Cymbals近來動作很積極。 http://www.istanbulcymbals.com/news.php 全球最夯的metal drummer - Lamb of God的Chris Adler跳槽改用Trick踏板。 http://www.trickdrums.com/ ps. 等我全弄到手,下回來做個Axis、Trick、Pearl Eliminator Demon Drive三付直驅長板踏板大車拼測試報告。
Pearl Eliminator Demon Drive 踏板 DW集團 DW Drums Sonor Drums 某代言人請朋友彩繪,再請工廠上漆的特製鼓,僅此一套。 Tool鼓手Danny Carey新款簽名小鼓。 ps. 他是位非常深奧的鼓手,『原力』深不可測。請見: http://www.drummerworld.com/drummers/Danny_Carey.html
Drumtree Alchemy Cymbals Turkish Cymbals Innovative Percussion鼓棒 Istanbul Mehmet Cymbals Trick drums ddrum Vic Firth
CRAVIOTTO Drums CRAVIOTTO紅銅小鼓,定價三千多美金,每一吋數限量五十顆。 Vic Firth 代言人 Remo 代言人 Beatnik Hal Leonard Toca Zildjian Cymbals
接下來是我於國外打擊樂器討論區所結識的阿豆仔鼓友所傳給我的一些照片。 DJ Drums ddrum 整套ddrum Vinnie Paul簽名鼓組 Vinnie Paul簽名踏板 Vinnie Paul簽名Tom Vinnie Paul簽名小鼓
ddrum and Vinnie Paul launch new drum, snare and pedal line ddrum and Vinnie Paul launch new drum, snare and pedal line. Pantera/ Hell Yeah/ Damageplan drummer and all-round groove metal god Vinnie Paul showed up at the ddrum booth today to celebrate his new collaboration with ddrum. It was a big deal when news hit of Vinnie's defection from a long standing relationship with Pearl. Today Rhythm had the chance to check out Vinnie's new signature gear and it's evident that ddrum have ploughed a lot of money into the new venture. Vinnie's Limited Edition kit features two 24"x24" kicks, 14"x14", 15"x15" rack toms, 16"x16" and 18"x18" floor toms plus, count them, two 14"x8" Signature snare drums - one in black with spiked lugs (which also appeared on Vinnie's Pearl Signature snare) and the other with a frankly garish dragon graphic with satin chrome bullet lugs and die-cast hoops. ddrum have also pushed the boat out and developed a single and double pedal with Big Vin. It's a basic but typically chunky affair with a solid aluminium footboard and fully adjustable beater cam. Rumour has it that ddrum will also launch a Vinnie branded range of drum triggers this year too. Watch this space. ddrum namm 2009 影片 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=UIFnzt91WbI 這套鼓引起我蠻大興趣,很少公司會發行整套鼓手的商品,尤其在這麼不景氣的年代。 Vinnie Paul所選擇的超長桶尺寸鼓組現在已很少人用這麼深的鼓組。 我印象中只有他跟Iron Maiden鼓手Nicko McBrain還在使用。 加上他還有專屬簽名踏板,看起來用料也是重量級的踏板。 還有他的tom tom的lug也引起我很大的興趣,據朋友告知其角錐是活動的設計。 可更換不同造型。其小鼓依然與Pearl時期一樣為14" x 8"。 最後我聽說這位阿豆仔朋友已經下訂整套了。真猛!
Pearl新款踏板國外報價已經出來了。 不便宜,雙踏聽說要600多美金,僅比Trick便宜一些。比DW9002與Axis都還貴。 我本以為Pearl的踏板不會太貴,想直接請朋友從國外帶回。 這下只好暫時先踩煞車。因為實在不缺踏板,只是單純想嘗鮮。 測試就留待日後台灣總代理引進再說咯。