貼個跟開版主題有關的文章:HOW TO RELIC A 1950S-STYLE SUNBURST FINISH https://guitar.com/guides/diy-workshop/diy-workshop-how-to-relic-a-1950s-style-sunburst-finish/
Michael Watts的第六個滿分: BENSON GERMANIUM FUZZ One of the very best germanium fuzz pedals we have ever tried – it’s as simple as that. https://guitar.com/review/effects-pedal/benson-germanium-fuzz-review-temperature-controlled/
Darran Charles的第一個滿分…給了…我的天...Cort!! Cort G300 Pro https://guitar.com/review/electric-...review-boutique-tones-specs-at-bargain-price/ Superb build quality, a gorgeously full neck and consummate sonic versatility make the G300 Pro a must-try – regardless of budget. 附帶一提他評過Music Man John Petrucci Majesty跟Suhr Pete Thorn Signature Series, 但是他只把滿分給了Cort…Cort要起飛了~
Guitar.Com的評分拿Guitarist Magazine的影片~(笑) Guitarist Magazine給4.5 / 5分,算是水準之上。 https://www.guitarworld.com/reviews/cort-g300-pro-review 用手機看覺得確實有厲害之處…我們不要Ibanez了~ 韓國人就是喜歡跟日本人對著幹~(笑) Guitarist Magazine的評論: OUR VERDICT A do-it-all electric for under a grand that is typical of Cor-Tek's exacting build quality, the G300 Pro is both a throwback to hot-rodded S-styles of yore and a grown-up build for today's player. FOR+ Superb feature-led build for the money. Roasted maple neck, stainless-steel frets. Seymour Duncan pickups. AGAINST- Colour choice isn’t great and there’s no gigbag. But do we care?
Richard Purvis的第四個滿分: REDBEARD ANGRY RHUBARB PARADYNAMIC OVERDRIVE MKII This simple yet super-tweakable dirt machine deserves to become a classic. https://guitar.com/review/effects-p...rdrive-pedals-dont-get-much-better-than-this/ 價格不貴,185英鎊~ https://redbeardeffects.com/products/angry-rhubarb-paradynamic-overdrive-mkii
廢文,剛剛才發現Guitar.com的母公司BandLab的事業版圖比我之前看的又更大了, https://bandlabtechnologies.com/ 吉他相關的除了真•Gibson的Heritage外又多了Mono、Swee Lee、Teisco以及Harmony... 愛琴的超級有錢人郭孟儒野心不小~
在Guitar.com好幾年只給過兩個滿分的Chris Vinnicombe的第三個滿分給了… NEURAL DSP QUAD CORTEX A leap forward in terms of both usability and sonics, the Quad Cortex is the shape of modelling technology to come. https://guitar.com/review/effects-p...x-game-changing-guitar-product-of-the-decade/ Kemper、Axe-FX等數位綜效都做不到在Guitar.com拿下滿分的豐功偉業,Neural DSP做到了。
Michael Watts的第七個滿分: BOURGEOIS LEGACY SERIES 000 DB SIGNATURE DELUXE https://guitar.com/review/acoustic-...rgeois-legacy-series-000-db-signature-deluxe/ Very possibly the best in class when it comes to vintage-style 000 models.
久違的滿分又出現了!! Ed Oleszko的第二個滿分。 Nordvang ’83 Drive V2.0 https://guitar.com/review/effects-pedal/nordvang-83-drive-v2-review/ A compelling alternative to blowing all your savings on two classic overdrive pedals.
Nordvang 最近才出了 "Triple Gain",結合Klon, BluesBreaker跟TS10 https://nordvangcustom.com/products/triple-gain 不知道評分會多少 ...
印象中Guitar.com從來沒有連續給過同品牌的同類型產品兩次滿分, Novo Guitars的Serus T拿下該站有史以來第一個電吉他類滿分後這個牌子就再也沒拿過滿分了, 同樣例子還有house of tone pickups的Tru PAF、Swart amps的Antares... 等。 Nordvang的Triple Gain如果沒有革命性的突破,應該最多9/10分。
第三個電吉他類滿分出現了!! B&G Helena P90 Bridge 也是Michael Watts的第八個滿分: https://guitar.com/review/electric-guitar/bg-helena-p90-bridge-review/ A beautifully made one-pickup wonder that’s infinitely rewarding to play. 官網: https://www.bngguitars.com/collecti...tandard-build-helena-p90-bridge-natural-brown 其它型號的B&G官方影片:
...哦!? MXR要起飛了~ Ed Oleszko的第三個滿分: MXR DUKE OF TONE https://guitar.com/review/effects-pedal/the-big-review-mxr-duke-of-tone/ An exceptional recreation of one of the greatest boutique dirt pedals of all time – believe the hype, this is as close to the real deal as anyone could have hoped.
第三個拿到滿分的音箱,Richard Purvis的第五個滿分。 SILKTONE AMP KT66 https://guitar.com/review/amplifier/the-big-review-silktone-amp-kt66/ As versatile as it is luscious, this is one of the most unswitchoffable amps we’ve ever used. 隨便找的Demo:
!! 居然會把滿分給一個上市兩年的產品!? Cillian Breathnach的第一個滿分。 Black Mass 1312 V3 https://guitar.com/review/effects-pedal/black-mass-1312-v3-review/ An incredibly versatile distortion being built for good causes, the 1312 represents the best of small-scale US builders.
Jason Mays的第一個滿分。 Strymon Cloudburst https://guitar.com/review/strymon-cloudburst-review/ The hype is real – the Cloudburst is the new standard for ambient reverb pedals.
韓國鳥大勝利!! 美國鳥沒做到的、韓國鳥做到了~ 話說這也是第二把拿到滿分的韓國琴,日本琴仍然掛零中。 Jason Mays的第二個滿分。 PRS SE Hollowbody Piezo https://guitar.com/review/electric-guitar/the-big-review-prs-se-hollowbody-piezo/ With this release, PRS expands its high-quality SE line with a guitar that succeeds in proving Paul and the company can create tools that are simultaneously both a jack and master of all trades. It’s also at a price point that you won’t have to sell a kidney to afford.
Jason Mays的第三個滿分。 1981 Inventions LVL https://guitar.com/reviews/effects-pedal/1981-inventions-lvl-review/ A truly unique drive pedal that sounds great alone but plays especially will with others – you might never turn it off again.