蝴蝶 pick

本文由 Jeff2002-05-07 發表於 "吉他精華" 討論區

  1. Jeff

    Jeff 吉他版主




    We recently had some inspiration- Shouldn't your guitar pick do more for you?
    The new Butterfly Picks will change the way you play your stringed instrument! The compressible design of the Butterfly Picks line of guitar picks allows an easier, more effective grip through the tactile feedback engineered in each Butterfly Pick. The pick will tell you, through the "feel" of the grip

    1) Where the tip lies in relation to your grip.
    2) How "flexed" or stiff the tip will be when it contacts the strings.
    3) How tight you need to hold the pick to maintain your grip.
    4) How to manipulate the pick to achieve more controllable string attack.
    5) How you can "center" your finger forces to produce better sound.

    When you play with the Butterfly Pick, you will realize that a new dimension in controllability, feel, and variable stiffness is right between your fingers! Instantly change your grip strength, or the position of your grip, to adapt to the demands of the music YOU create. The Butterfly Pick is easier to palm when you need to change to a finger style, and the shape of the pick communicates through tactile feedback when your grip is re-established. You haven't played to your abilities until you've played with the new Butterfly Picks!
