外國也慢慢開始有作曲家導入Synthesizer V來製作Demo了。 很優美的一首歌,由英國作曲家Jonathan Parry製作的原創樂曲。 值得一聽。 Jonathan Parry簡歷: "Jonathan Parry is a composer and keyboard player in London, playing in and composing for 2 ensembles - Regular Music and George W Welch, and his music has been released on the Rough Trade and Klanggalerie labels. He has written 12 albums and over 120 compositions which cover a wide range of approaches, from the simple songs of 'Songs to Soothe' to the extreme experimentalism of 'Experiments in Translation'. He is in the forefront of experiments with 'mixed harmony' * (ie harmony that traverses from simple to complex), 'musical translation'*, polyrhythms, 'harmonic beats' * and 'musical philosopy'*. He has also written computer programmes to assist with these processes. "
上一篇介紹的英國作曲家Jonathan Parry把他1978年在倫敦大學皇家哈洛威學院攻讀音樂學位時所寫的歌曲配上了Synthesizer V的英文男聲ASTERIAN, 影片有公布完整五線譜,有興趣的人可以看看。 至少超過六十歲的正統學院派作曲家會採用Synthesizer V來製作Demo一事讓我有些雀躍。 Description: "This is a song I wrote in 1978 while specialising in composition for my music degree at Royal Holloway College, London University. It's a setting of Ted Hughes' poem. My style at the time was a sort of free extended tonality, concentrating on the atmosphere of individual harmonies found intuitively and played with a poetic non-pulse based phrasing (rather like speaking the words of a poem). This suits the words of this song well: "...Tell time is nowhere" It was originally scored for just voice and piano but I've added strings and vibraphone to give the accompaniment more bloom. My influences were many but it's perhaps worth mentioning Joni Mitchell and Franz Liszt for this song. It has never been performed until now - my voice was not good enough and sadly I never got my tutor Brian Dennis to sing it - he would have been perfect. So here it is with Dreamtonics SynthV Asterian singing it - the samples were provided by Eric Holloway - he's a bass rather than a baritone but sounds well suited to this one."
Great cover song,這位老兄我前面有貼過他的影片。 後來去看了一下他YouTube 的自介,才知道他說他患有自閉症, 從影片的調音來說在藝術這方面看起來很有天分。 Evanescence - Bring Me To Life - feat. SOLARIA & ASTERIAN (Synthesizer V)
之前在CeVIO上推出的日文女聲"#kzn"現在也能在VoiSona上使用, 費用為訂閱制:6600日幣/年、880日幣/月。 https://voisona.com/artist/kzn_ja_JP_song/ 官方沿用CeVIO的影片,YouTube上也還沒有用戶貼VoiSona版的影片,故我就不特別貼影片了,
有興趣的人可以趁現在購買… https://twitter.com/YuyaoOfficial/status/1650728976749588480 Labor Day Sale Yao Ai Voicebank Promotion period:4/24 - 5/14 Overseas Buy https://core.newebpay.com/EPG/voicemith/65Vgg4 夏語遙AI聲音庫下載版 《作伙來打拼》勞動節促銷活動 期間:4/24 - 5/14 賣場連結 https://bit.ly/3n4OEPV
Billboard Japan 2023/04/26的Niconico VOCALOID SONGS TOP20榜單: https://www.billboard-japan.com/charts/detail?a=niconico 本週只有一首新進榜,最高名次為第12名, YouTube版本04/22上傳,撰文當下播放數約87萬次。 也有上傳真人演唱版,撰文當下播放數約411萬。 建議不偏好Vocaloid音色的人可以聽這個:
畢業自倫敦大學皇家哈洛威學院 (Royal Holloway College, London University)、 並拿到雪菲爾大學研究生文憑 (Sheffield University post-graduate research degree)的正統學院派英國作曲家Jonathan Parry, 上傳了第三首使用Synthesizer V SOLARIA的原創歌曲: Description "I wrote this song in 1999. It was recorded in Pro Tools LE. Later on, in about 2006 my friend Philip Cashin sang it and I always intended to finish mixing and producing that version, but in the transition to a new Mac I decided to go with Logic Pro and didn't upgrade the Pro Tools LE, so the file just sat on a drive somewhere. Discovering the rough mix both with and without Phil's voice I was able to create this new version and make it into a duet using Dreamtonics SynthV Solaria. It works well as a duet and it would be great to perform it someday with Philip and a real female singer."
有越來越多自己不適合唱歌的音樂人使用Synthesizer V來製作音樂。 住在San Jose, California的日本貝斯手兼作曲家上傳了他第一首使用Synthesizer V英文男聲Kevin的樂曲。 Description: "The original song like the Four Seasons / Bee Gees"
比較少人用的vocal synthesizer plugin: Emvoice One https://emvoiceapp.com/ 目前有四個音色庫,通常售價是99美元,現在官網特價39 ~ 69美元。
Sound On Sound在2023/03發佈了一篇對於Synthesizer V的Review: (此文章目前只能免費閱讀前面30%,大概要到2023/09才會解禁全文, 等不及想要看全文的話可以訂閱或者以0.83英鎊的價格購買單篇PDF文章) https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/dreamtonics-synthesizer-v 為了知道Sound On Sound怎麼評價Synthesizer V,我特地去註冊買了這篇文章, 基於版權我這邊只貼結論: Sound On Sound review summary: "Synthesizer V is a truly remarkable product. Dreamtonics are bringing the concept of a software singer right to the very edge of believable."
CeVIO AI去年推出了兩款跟知名ACG樂團BanG Dream!的聯名音色庫: https://modernmusician.com/forums/index.php?threads/最近的ai歌手好厲害-我完全聽不出來是合成語音-synthesizer-v等合成語音討論串.234627/page-2#post-824558 然後BanG Dream!也緊鑼密鼓地舉辦了使用這兩款音色庫的原創歌曲競賽, 這個比賽在前一陣子終於選出得獎者: https://bang-dream.com/yumenokessho_sakkyoku 第一名的獎品是: 歌曲收錄在BanG Dream!遊戲跟2023年內預定推出的專輯裡。 30萬日幣獎金。 第二名的獎品只差在沒有放進遊戲,其餘相同,算是目前我轉貼過的樂曲比賽裡獎賞最優渥的了。 這邊只貼第一名的影片,其餘影片可在上面的比賽網址內搜尋:
Billboard Japan 2023/05/03的Niconico VOCALOID SONGS TOP20榜單: https://www.billboard-japan.com/charts/detail?a=niconico 未來若沒有特別亮眼的歌曲我原則上就不再特別轉貼Vocaloid系的上榜歌曲。 ============================================= 德國創作者利用Synthesizer V翻唱Billie Eilish的Wish you were gay, 音色庫是Eleanor Forte跟SOLARIA。 我個人覺得翻唱比原唱好聽,建議聽聽看。
希臘作曲家的原創歌曲,使用Synthesizer V NineZero演唱。 這首是少數我覺得適合NineZero音色的的樂曲,美中不足的地方就是Midi吉他聽起來很糟糕。 題外話我這兩天終於等到經銷網站的特價買了Synthesizer V跟它的音色庫"默辰 Mo Chen", 但其實我還沒買電腦,所以目前處於空有軟體而無法使用的窘境…
義大利作曲家 (或者該說是數學家?) 在Gearspace上放了兩個MP3短音檔簡單比較了Emvoice跟Synthesizer V,有興趣的人可以去下載聆聽: https://gearspace.com/board/showpost.php?p=16323324&postcount=42
由日本多位一流職業作曲家/音樂人/製作人所製作的Synthesizer V專輯將在2023/05/19上市, 預計也會在Spotify、Apple Music、AWA、Amazon Music Unlimited、LINE MUSIC、YouTube Music、AWA等串流媒體上架, 專輯共有14首樂曲,其中有三首是向大眾甄選: https://www.cubicrecords.jp/aicompivol1
Synthesizer V上個月底上市的日文女聲"重音テト Kasane Teto"在昨天釋出了免費的Lite版, 有興趣的人可以到官網勾選"プログラム使用許諾に同意する"後免費下載,下載連結是有ダウンロード文字的有色方塊: https://www.ah-soft.com/trial/synth-v.html "重音テト Kasane Teto"上市以來YouTube每天都有大量的翻唱影片上傳, 單純論樂曲數目可能已經快追上免費的Mai、最強的SOLARIA了,受歡迎的程度可見一斑。 這首是少數為她量身打造的原創樂曲,順便講一下、我這邊以後會盡量轉貼原創歌曲:
Yamaha今天推出了新的VOCALOID6 的日英中三語系女性音色庫"Fuiro"。 正常價格為90美元未稅,現在推廣價45美元未稅到2023/05/31。 https://www.vocaloid.com/en/products/show/v6vb_fuiro_en
Billboard Japan 2023/05/10的Niconico VOCALOID SONGS TOP20榜單: https://www.billboard-japan.com/charts/detail?a=niconico 排名沒什麼變動。 =========================================================== 目前購買Synthesizer V最划算的方法有兩個: 一是等有大展覽時可能會釋出的折價券,像前一陣子NAMM 2023就有30% off Coupon,可惜我沒跟到。 另一個就是去網站支援中英日文的日本老牌圖文軟體銷售電商DLsite, 等他們有新會員註冊發放30% off Coupon活動時購買, 缺點是DLsite上架的Synthesizer V音色庫不多,像我很想要的Weina就沒有上架, 而且客服要去日本經銷商網站註冊日本電話號碼與地址才行,Dreamtonics原廠好像不予支援日本地區售出的產品。 https://www.dlsite.com/soft/circle/...ns[3]/CHI_HANT/options[4]/KO_KR/options[5]/NM
正統學院派英國作曲家Jonathan Parry上傳了他第四首由Synthesizer V演唱的原創歌曲, 這首歌好硬好難消化呀…盡顯他學院派的本色~ 影片中有完整五線譜: "This song was started in 1975 and completed in 1977 while I was an undergraduate specialising in composition at Royal Holloway College London University with my tutor Brian Dennis. It was originally composed for voice and piano and submitted as part of my composition portfolio for my degree. I had in mind for the singer someone with a blend of classical and popular styles but was inexperienced at the time and was unable to find the right singer or record a performance matching this. Now many years later I have returned to the piece and arranged it for a small ensemble, creating more space and time to breathe. However the notes are as originally written, and they reflect my explorations at the time - an advanced tonal language drawing on influences from Ravel, Scriabin, Joni Mitchell and others in a free and poetic arhythmic style. The notated rhythms in the score may appear complicated - they reflect the version produced in my home studio in 2021. In live performance there can be considerable freedom in how the harmonies are animated by arpeggios and tremolos (similar to Baroque keyboard fantasias) the only consideration being a careful portrayal of the mood of the words and the pacing of the vocal at that point. The arrival of Dreamtonics SynthV and Eclipsed Sounds Voice ASTERIAN (based on the superbly resonant voice of Eric Holloway) has finally allowed me to capture a good interpretation. I hope that this might inspire other singers to take it on, especially for a live performance ! I should also pay tribute to the superb poetry of Ted Hughes - every word challenged me to search for the right sound. [Please note I have omitted the word 'Silently' from Ted Hughes' text as it did not fit easily with the music at that point in the song.]"
Synthesizer V的第三方音色庫開發商AUDIOLOGIE舉辦了原創樂曲徵選, 冠軍有250美元 + etc,以小公司來說它們很努力了。 AOFest 2023 Original Music Contest https://audiologie.us/pages/aofest2023 "Submit an original song featuring Synthesizer V ANRI, JUN or both vocalists for a chance to win prizes from our physical voicebanks, merchandise, and more!" Grand Prize Pack – One Winner Cash Prize of $250 USD (Delivered via Paypal) & etc. Submissions close August 11, 2023.