MOTU MTP AV Emagic Unitor 8 MOTU MTP XT (Sort by their reputation) or by USB add-on: Midiman Midisport 8x8.
Roland JP8000 (key) / JP8080 (rack) could be an alternative.
PS... excuse me, there is NO multi-timberal mode here, for this is the first time i could think how to make use of the MIDI Thru jack.... hahaha! but...
u're welcome! yes, it has only 128 programs, but don't worry, there are some blank slots at last bank, what really bothers is that the SYSEX is the...
About filter, my opinion is that although both hardware and software filters are digital, but hardware has it's own processing unit, while software...
Pros: Cheap, great sounding! Cons: only 4 note polyphony, only 1 midi ch. and... Yes! it's really bang for the bucks!
well, actually, i can't understand what the manual is talking about, so...firstly i don't know how to assign the proper midi channel, bank, and patch...
Hi! I've been using Vision to do my jobs, but it can't be installed on the new mac running higher than OS9.0, so i tried Logic, but i found it's hard...