最近聽說新出一種可以支援VST音源的硬體合成器,這樣一來就一改VST樂器之前一直只能在工作室堥洏峈瑪翽恁A而將其發揮到LIVE前沿陣地之功效了!!不知哪位仁兄知情,可否告之有關這台琴的情況或 官方網站。謝謝!
ADDA 問的應該是這一個尖端產品吧?看起來不錯,好像是 Lexicon 和Eventide 的工程師出來做的。 </font><blockquote>引言:</font><hr /> Manifold Labs Plugzilla, the stand-alone hardware computer plug-in player announced at last September AES convention, was officially launched at the Winter NAMM show. The 2U rackmount unit can run up to eight VST plug-ins simultaneously and can store hundreds more, with accompanying presets, in its internal memory. Data can be transferred via Plugzilla USB and Compact Flash interfaces and 32 MIDI channels, four footswitch inputs and two sets of four knobs and four switches can be freely assigned to tailor plug-in parameters. Initial compatibility charts looks promising, with an extensive list of supported plug-ins. Plugzilla, the brainchild of Joe Waltz (of Lexicon fame), Tony Agnello (from Eventide) and Marc Lindahl of Sonorus, will be produced and distributed by Eventide, and should reach the shops later this year. But it won come cheap retail price is expected to be around $3500, currently around 2150! </font>[/QUOTE]