PRS在昨天公布對於跟Gibson的官司勝訴, 我的Private Stock SC不是夢想啦!!!!! Appellate Court Awards Victory to Paul Reed Smith Guitars (PRS) Over Gibson [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In a long-pending trademark dispute between PRS Guitars and Gibson Guitars Corp., the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit today reversed a lower court decision and ordered the dismissal of Gibson's suit against PRS. The decision also immediately vacates the injunction prohibiting the sale and production of PRS’s award winning Singlecut® Guitar. Paul Reed Smith Guitars announced today that it will immediately resume production of its Singlecut® guitars. Paul Smith, the founder of PRS, stated “We are delighted that the appellate court affirmed what we and the industry have long known: the PRS Singlecuts® are musical instruments of the highest quality that would never be confused with a competitor’s product.” In the litigation, Gibson alleged that concert goers in a smoky concert hall might not be able to differentiate a PRS Singlecut® from a Gibson Les Paul. The appellate court rejected that trademark theory out-of-hand, emphasizing Gibson’s concession in court arguments that “only an idiot” would confuse the two products at the point of sale. William Coston, PRS lawyer, observed that the decision is a vindication of PRS’ meritorious defense of unfounded allegations: “We agree with the Court and Gibson’s own counsel that “only an idiot” would be confused. Sadly, the injunction lasted too long and the court process was too long and costly, depriving consumers of the right to choose between the PRS Singlecut® and the Gibson Les Paul. We hope that Gibson will now compete in the marketplace and not use litigation to obtain unfair advantage[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/font]
Neal Schon裝大搖的SC真奇怪
亂逛看到的.. Singlecut with Duncan JB Standard 24 兩張無關的圖...現在的小孩...為什麼那麼有錢..我呆了.. Main rig:Crybaby 95Q > Alesis 3630 > Marshall JMP-1 > Mesa Strategy 500 2nd rig:Crybaby 95Q > 3 Channel Mesa Triple Recto Solo Head > Mesa Traditional 4x123rd rig:Crybaby 95Q >Tubescreamer or Boss SD-1 > Marshall JMP 100 DTR2000 Digitech Valve FX BBE Sonic Maximizer 70s original Big Muff Sustain Punch Creamy Dreamer Boss NS-2 MXR Phase 90 R28 modded Boss BF-2
那個紅弦應該是 ghs 出的Infinity特殊包覆材質系列,不過國外購物網站上電吉的只買得到黑弦,只有bass的才有紅黑兩種選擇, 順便打廣告,二手區我有09的ghs黑弦要賣啦.換琴以後都吃10的,實在是用不到阿 =______=
請問一下各位學長, 這把九萬初算合理嗎 ? 聲音如何呢 ? 小弟明天要上台北買把PRS, 預算八~九萬, 比較想買的是custom24, 前陣子有上台北到[金]找到兩把都賣七萬多, 但顏色不太喜歡(而且試那兩把琴格都有點氧化), 可是有上面那把全白色的, 那時也不好意思再試彈, 但覺得還蠻好看的. 不知有沒有推薦哪家樂器行有顏色不錯的custom24, 價位ok的 ? 希望能帶把好琴回來, 感謝!
嘿嘿, 回的好快, 不蠻您說, 昨天天偷偷把您電話記下來, 怕明天上台北有什麼狀況求助無門, 不知道行不行^_^" 在台北沒什麼認識的. 剛從頭到尾又把這話題看完一遍, 才知道您之前想買這隻, 上次打電話去問蔡老闆還跟我說:那個是嗆辣紅椒拿的那隻啦! 我心想他不是代言Fender的嗎, 不可能吧, 後來有查到是一個鬍子男拿的(不認識), 不知道那把聲音跟一般custom24有什麼不一樣嗎? 約兩個星期前有去那試七萬多的兩把, 但那時預算比較低, 所以沒去記另外有兩把(共5把), 忘了是custom22或是10top. 不過如果價錢不要高太多(因為怕沒10top找不到喜歡的顏色) 也可能買10top, 明天上去還會再跑一趟"金" "玩" "阿" 想說之前在那買J.Custom9570 應該會有良心點, 不知達兄有沒有印象別間有可以考慮的?
這次更快... 麻煩您了, 畢竟一把快十萬, 怕買了會後悔. 顏色喔, 應該也都偏暗色. 只要傳統那樣不怪就喜歡, 我試的那兩把是 琴格都有點氧化了... 我覺得深藍 黑色 白色 紅色 黃色 都好看. 音色的話就是custom24那樣. 哪有就去試試看看, 本是想說能在金買就在金買, 因為不會殺價, 而之前在那買過比較好講, 可是那也只有五把.