從那個裂痕的位置看來, 有可能是兩片木頭的黏接交界, 也就是 核桃木 跟 楓木 連接的交界, 熱漲冷縮, 兩種木頭的密度不同, 所以膨脹率就不同, 一般而言, 不要讓琴 突然 忽冷忽熱(如琴在大熱天的高溫下放置了一陣子, 突然把琴拿進溫度很涼快的冷氣房), 應該是不會有這種情形發生才對啊. 若真的擔心的話, 就找 專業技師 看看吧.
最近沒什麼人氣, 我來加入一下吧. 這是最近買的二手Gibson Les Paul Standard Ebony Color, 01年的琴, 也是我第一把Gibson, 我比較喜歡黑色的Gibson, 酷的啦... 是在日本Yahoo拍賣上標到的.....
大家的前後段拾音器各離弦多少距離呢? 各位好, 我這問題有在吉它版po, 但沒有人回應這個數據. 我會問的原因是前段的聲音比後段聲音大多了, 當然是指都開到十的狀況, 且發現後段的距離比前段還遠, 跟我看過的琴都相反了, 所以想問一下大家琴的狀況是如何呢? 還是有知道原廠的是多少呢? 謝謝.
引用自http://forum.gibson.com/index.php?/topic/58164-the-distance-between-strings-to-you Here's how Gibson - Memphis does the final setup on their instruments. Its a post from Dave at Gibson: Hi I'm David the final inspector at Gibson Memphis. I can give you the factory spec info. on our setups. You will need a mechanics rule to do this properly. To check neck relief: fret the low E at the first and 15th fret (not 12th) reach to the 7th fret and tap string. There should be a small space between string and fret - no thicker than a piece of paper. Do the same with the high E. ACTION: fret low E at first fret and measure the distance from the bottom of the to the top of the 15th fret. It should be 5/64". Do the same with the high E, measurement should be 3/64". Now measure the string height at the nut; underside of the string to the top of the fret. Low E and A should measure 2/64", D and G =1.5/64" and B and high E = 1/64". If string height at nut is correct, recheck string height at 12th fret with strings open. Measurement for low and high E's should be the same as measurement taken at the 15th. Pickups: Fret low E at 22nd fret and measure pickup height from underside of string to point on pickup closest to string. Bridge pickup should be 3/64" (I think the 3/64" is a typo, it should be 3/32") , neck pickup should be 4/32". Fret high E at 22nd fret, distance for both pickups should be 3/32". Play test: Play every string at every fret checking for buzzes. Bend High E string 1 and 1/2 steps, beginning at the sixth fret and ending at 22nd, checking for "choking" and to make sure string stays in nut notch.