請問一下這影片裡Eric Johnson用的那把黑色的ST是? 他的model? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZruE7E_4OU&feature=endscreen&NR=1
終於可以加入Fender俱樂部了 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...54719019.81828.100001992215051&type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...54719019.81828.100001992215051&type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...54719019.81828.100001992215051&type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...54719019.81828.100001992215051&type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...54719019.81828.100001992215051&type=1&theater 木紋很漂亮的Standard 但不曉得為什麼被蓋上有一個洞
木紋很漂亮的Standard 但不曉得為什麼被蓋上有一個洞[/QUOTE] 那個叫做Micro-Tilt, 用以調整琴頸和琴身的 Fender官網這樣子解釋: http://www.fender.com/en-TW/support/articles/stratocaster-setup-guide/ SHIMMING/MICRO-TILT™ ADJUSTMENT Shimming is a procedure used to adjust the pitch of the neck in relation to the body. A shim is placed in the neck pocket, underneath the butt end of the neck. On many American series guitars, a Micro-Tilt adjustment is offered. It replaces the need for a shim by using a hex screw against a plate installed in the butt end of the neck. The need to adjust the pitch (raising the butt end of the neck in the pocket, thereby pitching the neck back) of the neck occurs in situations where the string height is high and the action adjustment is as low as the adjustment will allow. To properly shim a neck, the neck must be removed from the neck pocket of the body. A shim approximately 1/4" (6.4 mm) wide by 1 3/4" (44.5 mm) long by .010" (0.25 mm) thick will allow you to raise the action approximately 1/32" (0.8 mm). For guitars with the Micro-Tilt adjustment, loosen the two neck screws on both sides of the adjustment access hole on the neckplate by at least four full turns. Tightening the hex adjustment screw with an 1/8" hex wrench approximately 1/4 turn will allow you to raise the action approximately 1/32". Re-tighten the neck screws when the adjustment is complete. The pitch of the neck on your guitar has been preset at the factory and in most cases will not need to be adjusted. Note: If you feel that this adjustment needs to be made and you're not comfortable doing it yourself, take your guitar to your local Fender Authorized Dealer.
Select Tele有三種型號: 一般的Select Tele是用Chambered Ash, Carved Koa Top跟Carved Maple Top是用Empress Wood=白桐 (Paulownia tomentosa)。 Fender在2011時出了個Limited 60th Anniversary Tele-bration Series, 有用上一些怪怪的素材,例如竹子; 使用白桐的Tele則是該系列最後面世的一款, 同期發售的還有Lite Rosewood (就是兩片Rose中間夾Spruce-雲杉,以達到輕量化的目標)。 Fender應該是那時候有收到一些好的迴響,才會繼續在Select上面使用白桐 至於這跟成本有沒有關係...這就要問Fender高層了~ ...題外話, 我對竹子作成的Tele其實還滿有興趣的...
恩恩原來如此,但如果body是兩片的我可能還會考慮一下說。 不過ash是高頻比較多的木頭吧,還貼的maple top聲音不知怎麼樣,我以為是考慮到ash和maple都是偏高頻的所以改用empress來貼。
Select的Ash Body之所以作蜂巢狀Chambered或許是為了解決您提到的這個問題? 不過我覺得聲音不討喜... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SKoa3VJGfIU?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
疑問 據說2012年新的american standard 拾音器和以往不一樣 似乎是cs的 請問有沒有版友有試過2012的和以前的 可否分享一下 聲音有什麼不同和差別........ 因為這陣子想入手一把>< 不知道差別在哪!!!
Flat head telecaster 大概於2004-2006年間生產(2007年在custom shop還有option可選) 主要是Slipknot - Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)時Jim Root有用過這型號 John 5 也有幾把但是他的是單pickup版本 後來Jim Root的簽名琴出了,flat head就從型錄上消失了 fender 論壇上是說可以master build下單訂做=.= 要問為啥是黃色~ 因為我等不到黑的..... BTW, 這把inlay都黑掉一半了...哈 Features: BODY Select Alder NECK Lightly Figured Maple, Hard V-Shape, (Polyurethane Finish) FINGERBOARD Round Laminate Ebony, 12" Radius (305 mm) NO. OF FRETS 22 Jumbo Frets PICKUPS 1 EMG 81 Humbucker (Neck), 1 EMG 60 Humbucker (Bridge) Mother-of-Pearl Side Dot Position Inlays, Nickel/Silver "Crossed Piston" Inlay at 12th Fret,
J.W.Black現在不是自己出來開一家? http://www.jwblackguitars.com/ 而且還有Made in Japan系列... http://www.kurosawagakki.com/jwblack/ 試奏:(型號中有J的就是日本製) <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4ZeIzab2L_w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 專訪: <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1z1bbzToYtM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> ====================================================== 前一陣子跑去作家具的John Page也回來自創品牌... 最有意思的是John Page的琴是叫J.W.Black作最終Setup。 而他離開Custom Shop的原因主要還是: 1.大家都還是要Fender傳統型號,他自己設計的Original稱不上成功。 2.Custom Shop終究還是被迫以量產為前題來製琴。 專訪: <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OMeW6MXw_6A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> John Page Guitars官網: http://www.pageguitars.com/
早期90年代的masterbuilder 蠻多都跳槽或自己開一家或去世。 JW Black目前沒有接受custom built ,我去年有寫信要custom,可是他自己琴都被日本買走了,目前也協助日本朋友做琴。美國主要是維修1969年以前fender。John page以前是他的boss ,兩個看起來感情不錯,那時候無法custom built他叫我去買John page 吉他。fender dream factory有蠻多介紹。我這把有在他網站上,好像一年只有20-30把,大部份都是premium grade flame (clapton type) V neck。目前Eric Clapton 大部份都是Todd Klause在做
'57 Vintgae Strat改6105+Radius 10...etc 這支之前因為需錢孔急、想換Ash...等因素一直被我丟出來賣, 但不是遇到開芭樂價的、就是約好了被放鳥,不知怎地一直賣不掉... 後來想想這支應該是要跟著我了,就拿去Refret+改Radius。 所以就正式地來Fender俱樂部登錄一下~ Fret改6105、Radius原本指定9.5,但拿到手應該是10... 然後根據Live需求將2nd Tone改成No-Load、控制中/後段。 加上原本就改的Raw Vintage Springs,這支跟普通的'57又有了那麼一些區隔。 另外還多送一黑一白兩顆芝麻、及兩根油條"在裡面"。 我比較在意的是油條,因為就算是"不同的琴師"在指板上卻一樣都會有油條... 因為我遇過"很多次"了。 這到底是甚麼工具造成的? 有人可以幫忙解答嗎?
油條的痕跡是有一種工具長的很像銼刀~~ 但主要是用來把已經磨成平面的FRET再修成半圓型用的..... 在RE-FRET或是RE-DRESS時一定會用到~~ 在使用的時候很容易在邊角的地方磨到指板造成那痕跡.... http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Tools/Special_tools_for_Fretting/Double-edge_Fret_File.html 就是這工具....... 資料來源:自己就是做這個的......