硯光: 就你現有的教材,Joe Morello 的"Master Studies"是不錯的rudiments訓練,很多知名鼓手都曾受教於Joe. 總体教材以Kim Plainfield 的"Advanced Concept"兼顧質和量,最俗又大碗. 拉丁的教材又以Robby Ameen的教材較實用,很多pattern學後即可立即套用,還不錯用. 但,教材不是萬靈丹,得還要從找些你最有興趣的起頭,全部都吸收怕有可能消化不良唷. 上課見了.
小白老師: 留言版沒辦法留這麼多字的留言... 所以我貼到這裡來了... RHYTHM KNOWLEDGE1/2 Mike Mangini Drum Solo Colin Bailey The Contenporary Rhythm Section Steve Houghton Talking Drums Timbafunk David Garibaldi Master Studies Joe morello Beyond Bop Drumming The Art of Bop Drumming John Riley The Drumset Soloist Steve Houghton Latin Soloing for Drumset Phil Maturano Afro-Cuban Coordination For Drumset Maria Martnez TRANSITIONS Russ Miller Returns Simon Phillips Buddy Rich (JAZZ LEGEND 1917-1987) The Musical Drummer Louie Bellson Progressive Independence Ron Spagnardi Afro-Cuban Grooves for Bass & Drums Lincoln Goines & Robby Ameen Dvanced concepts Kim Plainfield The Metal Morphosis Workbook Bobby Rock Buddy Rich's Modern Interpretation F.Henru Klickman of Snare Drum Rudiments Mastering the art of Brushes Jon Hazilla Give The Drummers Some Jim Payne Power Workout 2 Kenny Aronoff Future Sounds David Garibaldi Drummer's Guide to Odd Meters Ed Roscetti Drums For Dummies Jeff Strong 老師希望我從那一本開始著手呢...還是板上那位大師可以給小弟一些建議..