好久沒有放新作品上來了! 這首是跟一位女同學合作的作品,比較沒那麼Hardcore.. 不過還是花了很多心思編了細節 請到下方連接收聽完整DEMO,聽完且請別吝嗇你的感受 ANY FEEDBACK IS WELCOMED ! http://tw.streetvoice.com/music/user-song.asp?au=64135 歌詞: <<The heart of sorrow>> The chain of painless What we live for surrender If there's tomorrow Why is this a torment The slave of shameless Are you crawling through the door To seek the answer That we will never be better In the world we born within What we've done to burn alive Is this the urban right We fight for nothing There is no reason to Lay in flame (Are we) The heart of sorrow Is there a treason We have to blame (Is This) The sound of hollow The sake of blood In a better confussion We're going hellward But some just can't apprehend An evil status Running out of corruption This is the answer That we will never be better Within this hall of pain We came in shape of frozen rain 另:我們團將於12月27日,晚上九點,在廈門的本色酒吧進行演出 如果有在廈門的朋友請踴躍參加。
很開心聽到身為錄音師的瑋斯兄這麼說 相信負責吉他音色與混音的另一位吉他手Dennis聽到你這麼說會更開心 因為Demo都是我們在廈門的家裏錄的 簡單的筆電+Firewire410+Line6 POD XT live
大概像KsE, Shadows Fall, As I Lay Dying, Caliban, Trivium這類的樂團 有嘶吼, 有Breakdown, 有拍子變換...編排跟Riff技巧其實大致上就那幾種 基本上只要編起來有兼顧了節奏爽度跟旋律,多半就有Metalcore的感覺啦 但要做得細,做得好聽,還得花很多心思去編寫